Slangs. Some Slangs of the English Language

Slang is used by a group of users in order to maintain a specific communication. They have functions as users make use of them, which can also vary from season to season. That is, a slang that my grandmother used may no longer be understood by me these days, as we no longer hear it. Therefore, a slang that is being used today may not be understood for some time to come.

Examples of English language slang:

24/7: all the time; always available; (all the time, always available).
This store is open 24/7. (This store is open all the time, ie 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Ace: very good. (very good).
I had an ace grade at my math's exam. (I got a really good grade on my math test).

the nifty: the fifty-dollar bill (a fifty dollar bill)
I lend my sister a nifty. (I loaned my sister a fifty dollar bill).

the sleeve: the hundred-dollar bill. (a hundred dollar bill)
I got seven hundred dollars, all in sleeves. (I took seven hundred dollars, in hundred-dollar bills).

the solid: in favor. (a favor)
Dad, do you give me a solid? (Daddy, do me a favor?)

You really "have a big mouth": you talk too much (you talk too much: chatty person or someone who ratted on someone)
Mary told Cindy that I went out yesterday with another girl. Mary really has a big mouth. (Mary told Cindy that I went out yesterday with another girl. Mary really talks too much).

break it up: stop with that! (stop this!)
Bob, break it up. You will never become rich. (Bob, stop it. You will never get rich).

Fox: attractive, cute girl. (beautiful, attractive girl).
Carol is really a fox. (Carol is really cute).

gig: work (work, work).
Bob has a gig now. He is working as a waiter on a restaurant near here. (Bob has a job now. He is working as a waiter at a restaurant near here).

Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages ​​- English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English by Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA

Source: Brazil School -

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