Differences between flat and spatial figures

Figuresgeometric can be flat or spatial, and, in the latter case, they are called solidsgeometric. The biggest difference between the figuresflat and space it has to do with the amount of dimensions needed to build them. To understand this difference, it is important to know well the main concepts involving the dimensions of space.

Dimensions of space

At space dimensions are linked to the smallest amount of measurements that can be made in a figuregeometric for complete information about its size.

So, as it is not possible to obtain length, width or depth on one Score, he is a geometric figure of dimension zero.

THE straight, in turn, is a figuregeometric that has a dimension, because it presents length infinite, but it's impossible to measure your width or depth, as it is a figure that does not have these elements. The line can also be considered a space within which some geometric figures of one dimension can be defined: the ray and the line segment.

O flat is a geometric figure that has two

dimensions, there is length and width infinite, but it's impossible to measure your depth, because he doesn't own it. The plane is also a space within which all figures that also have two dimensions or less can be defined.

O space it is also a geometric figure. He has threedimensions, because your length is infinite, just like your width and depth. In this way, within this “place” called space, it is possible to define any figure that has three dimensions or less.

In addition, you can define the straight inside flat It's from space, but it is not necessary that the space, or place where the line is defined, have two or three dimensions. The straight line can be constructed in a one-dimensional space.

Also note that the word space is used for two distinct purposes in this article: space refers to the place where figuresgeometric can be built and defined and is also the name given to the three-dimensional space, place where figures of three dimensions can be defined.

Differences between flat and spatial figures

THE difference most important among figuresflat and space is the number of dimensions needed to define these figures. A figure is called flat when only two are needed. dimensions to define it. How can this figure be defined in a plane – which is the space where figures two-dimensional are defined – it is now called a flat figure.

already the figuresspace need to be defined in spaces three-dimensional, as they are figures that have depth as well as length and width. Cubes, prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres, for example, are figures that can only be defined in three-dimensional spaces.

The following image shows some examples of figuresflat, that is, two-dimensional figures.

The image below shows examples of figuresspace, that is, three-dimensional:

By Luiz Paulo Moreira
Graduated in Mathematics

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/matematica/diferencas-entre-figuras-planas-espaciais.htm

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