Franz Joseph Ritter von Gerstner

Germanic hydraulics born in Komotau, Czech Bohemia, today Chomutov, Tschechische Republik, engineer specializing in canal construction. He started his career as an assistant at the Prague observatory, working with Ticho Brake and Kepler. He became professor of mechanics and mathematics at the University of Prague (1806), one of the oldest in Europe (1347). Under his direction, the engineering department was transformed into a polytechnic institution, the Bömische Technische Institut (1806), with the majority of its professors. focused on the needs of the national economy and industry, constituting the first institution of this nature in Central Europe and the base of the technical university Czech.
When this state-owned polytechnic institute was founded (1806), he became its lifetime director and professor of mechanics. Developed the first theory of waves in deep water, studied the variation in velocity from the surface to the bottom of the channels, and became an engineer specializing in channel construction, a subject on which he wrote several works. He died in Vienna and among his publications one of the cited ones is Theorie der Wellen (1804), Prague, and his main book was Bemerkungen über das hydrometrische Pendel und über das Gesetz, nach welchem ​​die Geschwindigkeiten des Wassers von der Oberfläche bis auf das Grundbett der Flüsse sich ändern, Prague (1819).


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