O Weight of a body corresponds to the force necessary to sustain an object and prevent its free fall. That greatness it can also be defined as the attraction existing between the planet and any object deposited on it. Using the Newton's second law, we can define this force as the product of pasta for the gravity acceleration, in this way, we will have:
P = mg
Do objects have weight in space?
Yes, in space, objects still carry weight. THE strength weight of these objects will be determined by the product of their masses and the value of the acceleration of the force of gravity at the point where they are.
The term zero gravity does not mean the inaction of gravity. When astronauts are floating as if the force of gravity doesn't exist, they are still under the pull of Earth's gravitational pull. the occupants of International Space Station (ERA) they float because they perform a perpetual falling motion.
The rotation speed of the EEI around the Earth is such that it allows it to run loops and loops around the planet, and the feeling of its occupants is the of a continuous free fall, so everything inside the ship floats, because all the time everything is falling down. The name given to this state of apparent lack of gravity is the
weightlessness.By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/fisica/o-que-tem-peso-no-espaco.htm