Caio Julius Caesar, o Julius Caesar

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General, statesman, orator, historian and Roman legislator born in Rome, who with the passage of centuries has not diminished the grandeur associated with his name, symbol of glory, of the power and prestige of ancient Rome, and whose name became the honorific title of the Roman emperors and later gave rise to others such as Kaiser, in German, and Tsar, in languages Slavic One of the greatest military leaders in all of history, he was born into an aristocratic family, he had a careful education as a child and soon became a good connoisseur of Greek and grammar. At the time of the civil war between Caius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla, he married Cornelia, the daughter of one of Sulla's main enemies, who then wielded power in Rome. With this union, he attracted the dictator's enmity, and moved away from the city, heading for Asia in 82 BC. Ç. When Sulla died, in 78 a. C., he returned to Italy and became interested in the political activity from where soon he could demonstrate his qualities.

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An enthusiastic admirer of his uncle, consul Caio Mário, an enemy of Sulla and of common origin, learned from him the convenience of favoring the common classes. He then supported the popular party, and proceeded to attack senators who had aligned themselves with Sulla. Due to his accusations, he was forced to flee to Rhodes, where he studied oratory with the sage Apollonius Molon. In 74 BC a., the king of Ponto, Mithridates VI, undertook the fight against the allies of Rome, and he took advantage of the occasion to gain popularity. He organized an army and, after facing Mithridates, was appointed a military tribune. He fulfilled his political ambitions with brilliant campaigns against the tribes that inhabited present-day France and Belgium. In 62 a. Ç. he won the position of praetor and, the following year, went to Hispania Ulterior as provost, which allowed him to organize his own army and obtain important booty of war. He participated in the first triumvirate in 60 BC. a., beside Pompeu and Crassus, time that promulgated agrarian laws in favor of the licensed soldiers, exerted strong control on the Senate and realized a good government in the Roman provinces. He dedicated himself to the pacification of Gaul Cisalpina (58-54 a. C.), which gave him military glory and greater power, allowing him to increase the strength of his army. He submitted Celts, Helvetii, Belgians and Germans, defeated the Gauls led by Vercingetorix and still performed (54 a. C.) a frustrated expedition to Britannia, future Great Britain, which reduced its prestige in the triumvirate.
With the death of Crassus in Syria, fighting the Parthians, he disputed power with Pompey, who was supported by the Senate. With Pompey he was appointed consul (52 a. C.), the Senate tried to reduce the power and strength of Caesar, but this one moved to govern Gaul Cisalpina. By decision of the Senate and Pompey, Caesar was removed from the office of governor of Gaul and was ordered to lay down his arms. He decided, on the contrary, to invade Italy (49 a. C), and crossing the Rubicon, a stream that separated Gaul from Italy, he uttered the famous phrase Alea jacta est (Luck is cast). He then conquered Rome and the Italian peninsula, annihilated the Hispanic forces of Pompey who fled to Greece, but Caesar pursued him and defeated him at Farsala (48 BC. Ç). Forces devastated, Pompey took refuge in Egyptian territory, where he was assassinated. He arrived in Asia (47 a. C.), where he won a quick victory over Farnaces, king of Pontus, when he said another famous phrase Veni, vidi, vinci (Vim, vi, vinci). He invaded Egypt by intervening in the dynastic dispute in favor of Cleopatra.
Back to Rome (46 a. C.), with his legions extinguished the power of the Senate, decreeing the end of the Republic, mercilessly annihilated the last supporters of Pompey and instituted himself consul for life and perpetual dictator. He could choose any type of civil servant, enact any law, and, besides, he was the top head of the army. He carried out a wide-ranging political and administrative reorganization of Rome and the empire, gave greater speed to justice, stimulated the economic growth of the state, improved the government of the provinces, boosted the Romanization of territories dominated through colonists, distributed land among the soldiers, reformed the calendar, promoted monumental constructions and the celebration of festivals for cheer the people up. A man of great culture, interested in linguistics and grammar, he wrote, among other works, on water distribution methods in Rome, the treatise On Analogy (On Analogy), of which fragments remain, valuable documents are his principal works, Commentarii de bello galico (51 The. a., Comments on the war to the Gauls) and Commentarii de bello civili (44 a. C., Commentaries on the Civil War), Anticatones, orations against Cicero, written in simple but expressive Latin.
By his order, the famous Julian calendar was created, resulting from the reform of the Roman calendar, which had 304 days and 10 months, based on the Egyptian lunar, establishing the solar year as 365.25 days (known to the Chinese since 1400 BC). C.) and the calendar year of 365 days, with a leap of 366 days every four years. Two days of February were removed and added to the months of July and August, in honor of emperors. Victim of a conspiracy, he was murdered with 23 stabs, on the steps of the Senate, by several senators led by Marco Júnio Bruto, his adopted son, and Caio Cássio, republicans who opposed power autocratic.
Tradition says that when attacked, he defended himself until he recognized Brutus and then uttered his famous last phrase: Even thou, Brutus, abandoning reaction. His assassination resulted in many revolts and internal wars and, finally, the division of the Empire (43 a. C.), by the famous Treaty of Brindisi that gave rise to the formation of a triumvirate, where Antônio stayed with the east, Otávio with the west and Lépidus with Africa. Although the triumvirate was renewed for another five years (38 a. C.), the internal wars were prolonged, when Otávio (later called Otávio Augusto) defeated Antônio and Cleopatra (30 a. C.) and dominated Egypt. His main written work was Commentarius, on war campaigns.
Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

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