Meaning of Jesus (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

Jesus, is a name of Hebrew origin that means savior. The first sources of information about the life of the best known Jesus worldwide are the four Canonical Gospels, present in the New Testament, which report from his birth to his death. According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus is the central image of Christianity, the redeemer of humanity.

Jesus, to Islam, is known as Isa, or Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary), is considered one of the main prophets of Islam. For one segment of Judaism, Jesus is a prophet, for another he is an apostate.

Various names are used to designate Jesus, among them Christ, Lord, Son of God, Master, Prophet, Messiah, Lamb of God and King of the Jews.

The interjection Jesus! means admiration, amazement. Ex: Jesus!, what a surprise.

Origin of the name Jesus

The name Jesus comes from the Hebrew "JHVH", called the ineffable tetragram, meaning the "Eternity of God", because HVH is the Hebrew infinitive of the verb to be, and the prefix J, transposes the Hebrew verbs to the future. In Aramaic, the current language of Palestine, which gave rise to several languages ​​spoken to this day, the term "Jeshua Hamashia" means Jesus Christ the Messiah, and is found in the New Testament with the spelling "Yeshu ha Notzri". In Portuguese, the name "Yahweh", or "Jehovah", has the same meaning as "the Eternity of God".

The monogram "JSH", Jesus the Savior of Men, from the Greek "IHSUS", appears in the gospels of the apostles Mark and Luke. The Latin form "Jesus Hominibus Salvatoren" (IHS) was created in the 15th century and adopted by St. Ignatius of Loyola as an emblem of the Society of Jesus and is today one of the symbols of the Catholic Church.

"IXOYE" is an acrostic meaning Jesus Christ, Son of God the Savior, originating from the initials of Greek words.

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