Parlare sulla capacità di qualcuno

In the Italian language ci sono tre verbi molto importanti when ci riferiamo alla capacity di a persona in fare qualcosaoppure no. Questi verbi sono: SAPERE, RIUSCIRE and POTERE. Allora, I must osserevare during il testo le loro idee and così capirai come usali. / In the Italian language there are three very important verbs when we refer to a person's ability to do something or not. These verbs are: TO KNOW, TO BE ABLE (TO BE CAPABLE) and POWER. So, you should observe during the text your ideas and that way you will understand how to use them.

Meaning: / Meanings:*

POTERE: “Essere in grado di fare qualcosa.”. / To be able to do something.

SAPERE: “Consider any per averlo appreso attraverso lo studio e l'applicazione intellutale; to know any how to appreso with the practice, to learn it directly.”. / Know something by having learned it through study and intellectual application; to know something by having learned it with practice, by having experienced it directly.

RIUSCIRE: “Avere buon esito, avere fortuna; This is in graded di fare bene qualcosa, la possibilità, frequent with the espresso l'argomento of the sentence (introdotto da a)”.

/ Being successful, being lucky, being able to do something well, the possibility, often the idea of ​​the sentence is expressed by the introduction of the preposition a.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

Sicura sleep, when leggerai questi significati non vedrai tante differenze tra loro, but si osservare with attenzione vedrai che le loro differenze sleep piccole però sleep differenze che si devono tener in tale./ I'm sure when you read these meanings you won't see many differences between them, but if observe carefully, you will see that their differences are small, but they are differences that should be taken into account. account.

Esempi:/ Examples:

1) Giulia, I risked spolverare delle bottiglie in alto? / Giulia, are you able to dust off the bottles at the top?

2) Giulia, leaves make the paste? /Giulia, do you know how to make pasta?

3) My wow dare passaggio a casa di Giulia? / Can you give me a ride to Giulia's house?

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Osserva che possiamo to use anche questi verbi con significati diversi. / Note that we can use these verbs with different meanings.

1) Non can I Andare al mare, sono raffreddata./ I can't go to the beach, I have a cold.

2) Paolo non sa parcheggiare questa motorcycle. / Paolo doesn't know how to park this motorcycle.

3) Non risk to chiamare Chiara on the phone, the line is busy. / I can't reach Chiara on the phone, the line is busy.

Osserva che i verbi non hanno lo stesso che avevano nelle frasi sopra. See, the sense of the sentence that there is only visa, without the nullity of the vedere colla capacity of a persona realizzare qualcosa, davvero c’è a volontà or a sternum motive in queste ultime, changing a po’ le loro idea. / Note that the verbs do not have the same meaning as in the above sentences. See, the meaning of the sentences you just saw has nothing to do with a person's ability accomplish something, in fact there is a will or an external motive in the latter, changing the idea a little from them.

Allora, if it renders important che abbi cures all'uso dei verbi: potre, risoscire and sapere perchè il loro use può confonderti attraverso le loro piccole differenze. / So, it is important that you be careful when using the verbs: ‘potere’, ‘riuscire’ and ‘sapere’, as their use can confuse you through their small differences.

Note bene! / Pay attention!

Il verb risoscire + infinity, sarà always followed dalla preposiozione a. / The verb ‘riuscire’ + infinitive will always be followed by the preposition a.

Non si dice mai: Non risk __ fare il lavoro. / You never say: ‘Non riesco __ fare il lavoro.’

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Parlare sulla capacità di qualcuno"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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