Discussing the relationship between language vs. personal image

In the midst of daily contact with the beings that surround us, we always transmit an image about ourselves, whether in the mode of dressing, in gestures, through body language, in physiognomic expressions, in attitudes and, above all, through the speech. All these aspects are interconnected, leading us to an effective social interaction.

Therefore, the language itself represents the most important element in the meantime, once materialized through the domain we have of the linguistic system associated with the variants of the language that we use according to the different circumstances of interlocution that now we share. And, so to speak, far from any questioning, they represent the apex of our discussion.

To be clearer, let us return to the question of the image and associate it with the variants. Now, who has never been caught by surprise sometimes uttering platitudes, catchphrases or even some slang? The fact is that certain communication situations are demarcated by the use of exhausting tics and this can profoundly compromise the personal image of any person.

There are many situations that illustrate such an occurrence, such as, for example, whoever makes constant deviations from spelling often denotes signs of poor literacy. As a result, such an occurrence can often convey an unpreparedness not only in relation to the language, but also in other aspects. Other “bugs”, once represented by language addictions, may indicate the absence of a more versatile and creative vocabulary domain.

Thus, in view of the formal communication situations in which we find ourselves "immersed", the article in reference is guided by highlight some grammatically reprehensible "bugs" with regard to spelling, rulership and concordance, syntax and semantics, followed by their respective correction, in order to prevent you from making some mistakes in the case of a given circumstance communicative. Here they are:


Semantics (similarity relationship)

Concordance and Regency


By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/discutindo-acerca-relacao-entre-linguagem-x-imagem.htm

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