Square root: what is it, how to calculate, exercises

THE square root is a math operation that accompanies all grade levels. This is a particular case of radiciation, in which the index of the radical is equal to 2, that is, it is the inverse operation of the powers of exponentequal to 2. When a positive number has exact square root, we say that this number is one perfect square.

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Definition and nomenclature of the elements of rooting

be Theand B two real numbers and no a natural number nonzero, so:

The = rooting
no = index
= radical

At square roots, as said, are a particular case of radiciation. When writing a squareroot, it is not necessary to spell out the index equal to two.

For the other types of roots, it is mandatory to place the index, that is, for n = 3, n = 4, n = 5 …, it is necessary to make explicit in the index of the radical the value of no.

Read too: Radical reduction at the same rate

How to calculate a square root?

To calculate the square root of a real number, just follow the definition of rooting:

THE definition tells us that the square root of a real number The is the number B if and only if the number B squared equals the number The, that is, we have to imagine a number that, by square, result in the number inside the radical.


√36 = 6, since 62 = 36

√ 121 = 11, because 112 = 121

Numbers that have a square root are called perfect squares. So, from the examples above, the numbers 36 and 121 are perfect squares. When the number is not a perfect square, it is necessary to perform the calculation of inexact roots.

Square root of any number, represented by x.
Square root of any number, represented by x.


1. Realize, based on the definition of square root, what ever we look for a number that, when raised to the square, results in the number within the radical. In view of the potentiation properties, we know that a squared number is always positive. This leads us to conclude that it is not possible to extract square root of a negative number in the set of real numbers.


— 36 = ?

From the example above, we would have to imagine a number that, squared, would result in -36. In the set of real numbers, this is not impossible.

2. If the root is a relatively large number, which would make mental calculation impossible, just do the decomposition into primes and group whenever possible into powers of exponent two.


Let's determine the square root value of 441.


To determine the root of 441, let's do the prime decomposition:

441 = 32. 72


√441 = √32. 72

Now, applying the radiciation properties, we have to:

√441 = 3. 7 = 21

The number 21 squared equals 441.

Mind Map: Square Root

Mind Map: Square Root

*To download the mind map in PDF, Click here!

Geometric interpretation of square root

Imagine a land with an area of ​​144 m2.

To determine how long the side of this square-shaped terrain is, we have to remember how to calculate its area.

square = 12

A represents the area value, and l is the side value.

As the area is worth 144 m2, We have to:


Look at the equation above. Note that we need to find a number that, squared, equals 144, that is, we have the definition of square root! Then:

√144 = 12

The number 144 in factored form is:

144 = 22. 22. 32

So, we're going to have to:

√144 = √22. 22. 32


√144 = 2. 2. 3 = 12

Therefore, the land side measures 12 m.

solved exercises

1. Make a list of perfect squares from 1 to 100.

The perfect squares from 1 to 100 are: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 and 100

2. Determine the square root of the number 1024.


To determine the root of 1024, let's do the decomposition into primes:

1024 = 22. 22. 22. 22. 22


 Considering the second equality with the properties of rooting already applied.

*Mental Map by Luiz Paulo Silva
Graduated in Mathematics

by Robson Luiz
Maths teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/matematica/calculo-raiz-quadrada.htm

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