Tutti sanno che il Calcio and la Formula1 sono passioni italiane. Sicura sleep has been sent to your alcune squadre of Calcio italiane – Roma®, Internazionale di Milano®, Lazio® – and obviously sulla Ferrari®, famous squadra alla Formula1. Così, podrai know a po’ dell'universe di questi due sport. See! / Everyone knows that Football and Formula 1 are Italian passions. I'm sure you've heard about some Italian football teams – Roma®, Internazionale di Milano®, Lazio® – and obviously Ferrari®, the famous team in Formula1. So, you can get to know a little about the universe of these two sports here. Look!
With us il vocabolario sul calcio: / Learn about football vocabulary:

Register: / Note:
Al portoghese (Brazilian) la parola ‘gol’ può denominate due cose diverse in linguaggio del calcio. See./ In (Brazilian) Portuguese the word 'gol' can mean two things in the language of football. Look.
1)Gol può means l'atto del calciatore raggiungere l'obiettivo del gioco./ Goal can mean the act of the football player achieving the goal of the game.
2)Gol può anche means l’insieme delle strutture (palo, rete and traversa) and all’italiano questa strutura si chiama porta./ Gol can mean the set of structures (post, net and crossbar) and in Italian this structure is called 'door'.
Curiosità: / Curiosity: Chi non sa, the calcio of the Italian squad is connoisseur with L'Azzurra, the cause of the abbigliamento di color azzurro. It is important that L’Azzurra has won for 4 return La Coppa del Mondo, the last corsa that has won is status in 2006./ For those who don't know, in soccer the Italian team is known as 'The Blues', because of their blue uniform. It's important to say that 'The Blues' have won the World Cup 4 times and their last was in 2006.
See some words that can help you understand Italian football a little better:
allenatore the technical commissioner (C.T.) = technician / right-handed and sinister terzini = right and left defenders / right and sinister wing = right and left attacker / center forward = center forward / stopper release the middle camper center = midfield / stadium = stadium / calcium arbiter = referee or judge Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;) |
With us il vocabolario sulla Formula 1: / Get to know the vocabulary about Formula 1:

Osserva altre parole sulla Formula1: / Note other words about Formula1:
racetrack = race track / sventolare la bandiera a scacchi = wave the checkered or flagged flag / tut = overalls / Guanti = gloves/ hull = helmet / marcia = march / capophila = leader / box = teams box / pit stop = pit stop (stop for refueling or changing tires)/ pilot = pilot |
Curiosità: / Curiosity: Chi non sa, the Ferrari® is a famous Italian squad all the Formula1 and it is very noteworthy of its color rosso and it eats the design of a Cavallo sopra la macchina. I'm notorious for giving you the formula1, the Pirelli® – the so-called Italian that produces gum – will provide you with the squad and the pneumatics of the next Lega della Formula1./ For those who don't know, Ferrari® is a famous Italian team in Formula 1 and is well known for its red color and its trademark is the design of a Horse on the car. It is also known to everyone who loves Formula 1 that Pirelli® – the Italian company that produces tires – will supply all teams with the tires for the next Formula 1 Championship.
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Il Calcio e la Formula1"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/il-calcio-la-formula1.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.