Celebrating the importance of the father's role in family life has been going on for more than four thousand years. Young Elmesu, in ancient Babylon, carved in clay what would be considered the first card of Father's Day. The parents' wishes for a long life and health were perpetuated by various civilizations, at first informally.
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The best known story that resulted in the creation of Father's Day in the United States stems from a daughter's desire to honor her father figure. William Jackson Smart he was an American farmer and war veteran who raised his six children, including a newborn, after his wife died in childbirth. In 1909, in Washington, his daughter Sonora Louise Smart Dodd heard a sermon for theDwent from Mbrethren and came up with the idea of celebrating what would be a day dedicated to parents.

The ex-combatant's daughter spared no effort so that the father figure was also honored. In 1910, Sonora petitioned the Spokane Ministerial Association, located in Spokane County, Washington, in addition to asking for help from a local Christian youth organization. After the requests, the first
Father's Day was celebrated in June 19th of the same year, William Jackson's birthday. The rose was chosen as a symbol of homage, the red ones for the living and the white ones in memory of the dead.The American celebration gained proportion over the years and, in 1924, then President Calvin Coolidge made Sonora's idea national. It was not until 1966, however, that the official proclamation made the third Sunday in June as Father's Day in the United States. already the national holiday was made official by Richard Nixon in the year 1972.
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In Brazil, Father's Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in august. The idea of the commemoration came from an action by the publicist Sylvio Bhering, in 1953. The objective was to stimulate trade in the second half, as Mother's Day was a movement for the economy in the first half and Christmas at the end of the year.
Sylvio Bhering was the director of the newspaper O Globo, in Rio de Janeiro, and he marked the 16th of August as Father's Day in his calendar of celebrations. The date was chosen to coincide with the Day of St. Joachim, father of Mary and grandfather of Jesus Christ.
Jornal O Globo publishes O Dia do Santa on the cover of August 15, 1953
The celebration spread throughout the rest of Brazil until it was decided to make Father's Day official second Sunday in August, as well as Mother's Day, celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
Father's Day is very profitable in Brazil, as are other commemorative dates. The second Sunday in August is the fourth most profitable celebration for shopkeepers, behind Christmas, Mother's Day and Valentine's Day.
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world celebrations
Several countries have Father's Day in their calendars. The celebrations vary according to local customs, as well as the meaning given to the father figure.
THE Russiadoes not have an official date to celebrate Father's Day. The country has the commemoration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23 and is aimed only at men.
Spain, Italy and Portugal celebrate Father's Day on March 19, St. Joseph's Day. The exchange of gifts is very common, similar to what happens in Brazil. In Portuguese lands, the date is one of the most important commemorations.
THE Germanynor does it have an official date for the commemoration. The celebration to parents is held on the day of Jesus' ascension, which varies according to the Easter calendar. Parents and children often go for walks and have picnics to celebrate.
Junehas the largest number of Father's Day celebrations. Argentina, Peru and United Kingdom they have celebrations on the third Sunday of the month. already in the Paraguay, is celebrated a week before. The date is also celebrated on the Canada, on the 17th, and on the Greece, on the 21st.
At South Africa, Father's Day is also celebrated on the second Sunday in August. already the Australiacounts on celebrations on the second Sunday in September.
By Lorraine Vilela
Brazil School Team
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CAMPOS, Lorraine Vilela. "Father's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-dos-pais.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.