Alfonso VI of Portugal

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King of Potugal born August 21, in Lisbon, whose name is remembered only for a series of military victories against Spain, such as Ameixial (1663), Castelo Rodrigo (1664) and Montes Claros (1665), as internally his reign was marked by internal disputes, between relatives, by the throne. Son of D. João IV and D. Philippa de Gusmão came to the throne after her father's death (1656), under the regency of her mother (1656-1662).
Considered mentally disturbed, he actually assumed the throne, in the wake of a maneuver led by Luís de Vasconcelos e Sousa, third Count of Castelo Melhor, who became his gray eminence. During his government, Portugal reorganized the finances and practically completed the restoration work, beating the Spaniards in Ameixial (1663), Castelo Rodrigo (1664) and Montes Claros (1665). Although during his government he had internally reorganized the country's finances and despite military victories, his reign was marked by disputes between his supporters and those of Pedro, his brother.

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In this long process, the king successively lost his marriage, his reign, and finally his freedom. Infant D. Pedro, future Pedro II, supported by the fact that the king would not be able to govern, allied with the wife of D. Alfonso, D. Maria Francisca Isabel de Savóia, and with the support of a large part of the aristocracy and demonstrations of popular discontent, both led the king to sign a declaration of resignation from the government (1668) and the courts named D. Peter Prince Regent. On claim of incapacity his marriage was annulled and D. Francisca married D. Peter. Deposed (1668), he ended his days as a prisoner in the Azores archipelago and died in Sintra.
Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Alfonso VI of Portugal"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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