Smallest countries on the planet

Currently (2010), there are 194 autonomous countries. These nation-states occupy continental areas, presenting quite varied extensions. To give you an idea, there are countries with territories and populations smaller than that of several Brazilian cities. Therefore, we provide a list containing the 20 countries with the smallest territorial extensions on the planet.

According to data released in 2010 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the 20 smallest countries are:

1st Vatican (Europe)
Territorial extension: 0.44 km².
Population: 842 inhabitants.

2nd Monaco (Europe)
Territorial extension: 2 km².
Population: 38,066 inhabitants.

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3rd Nauru (Oceania)
Territorial extension: 21 km².
Population: 10,081 inhabitants.

4th Tuvalu (Oceania)
Territorial extension: 30 km².
Population: 9,894 inhabitants.

5th San Marino (Europe)
Territorial extension: 60 km².
Population: 31,637 inhabitants.

6th Liechtenstein (Europe)
Territorial extension: 160 km².
Population: 35,194 inhabitants.

7th Marshall Islands (Oceania)
Territorial extension: 180 km².
Population: 52,722 inhabitants.

8th Saint Kitts and Nevis (Central America)
Territorial extension: 260 km².
Population: 54,789 inhabitants.

9th Maldives (Asia)
Territorial extension: 300 km².
Population: 351,572 inhabitants.

10th Malta (Europe)
Territorial extension: 320 km².
Population: 430,146 inhabitants.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Smallest countries on the planet"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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