Anti-Malthusian theory. anti-Malthusian or reformist theory

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Anti-Malthusian or reformist theory confronts neo-Malthusian ideas that focus their efforts solely on demographic control of poor countries, in reformist theory the proposed concept is the opposite, underdeveloped countries are poor and therefore have a large layer of society composed of young.
Thus, all demographic processes should not be understood or addressed in a generalized way, since statistical studies do not they reveal the true reality of a given society, as it is essential to know the conditions of the socioeconomic essence characteristic of each one. from them.
The largest portion of the world's population is made up of excluded people, as they are outside the labor market that requires good qualifications and that automatically offers satisfactory salaries, this is due to the lack of effective and quality education, in addition to health, housing and others. social factors. The drop in population growth only develops when the population improves its quality of life.
Thus, this statement can be disregarded from the economic population growth of developed countries.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Anti-Malthusian Theory"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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