Simplifying Exact Roots Using Factorization. roots

Given the following expression:

exact roots
Applying the use of factorization to the calculation of roots.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3
What is the measure of the edge of a cube that has a volume equal to 729 cm³?

The measure of the edge of a cube that has 729 cm³ of volume is equal to 9 cm.
Roots not exact
Roots that do not result in a positive integer will result in an irrational number. For example:
With the use of a calculator we can find the result.

radical simplification
Example 1
Simplify the following radical:

Example 2

Example 3

To calculate other roots we use the same idea of ​​square root and cubic root.

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by Mark Noah
Graduated in Mathematics

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SILVA, Marcos Noé Pedro da. "Simplifying Exact Roots Using Factorization"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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