Schwaber solar cycle. Definition of Schwaber's Solar Cycle

Schwaber Solar Cycle is a series of phenomena carried out by the Sun that succeed each other in a determined and periodic order. Event that takes place at eleven-year intervals.
One of the most important ways to understand the cosmos is in the comprehensive observation of solar waves.
The Sun is a relevant object of study, it is possible to extract countless data from it, and from them emerge new theories related to the Solar System, the Universe and the planet Earth.
Thirteen years and eight months was the maximum length of a solar cycle ever recorded (September 1784 to May 1798). The shortest duration was nine precise years (June 1766 to June 1775).
Solar maximum is the name given to periods when (solar) activity is highest. Solar minimum is when activity is at its lowest.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Schwaber Solar Cycle";

Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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