Meaning of Baptist Church (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Baptist Church is name included in Christianity, which has as one of the main doctrines the baptism of teenagers and adults. This Church has this denomination thanks to John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ.

The Baptist Church arose with the Anabaptist movement and predates the movement of Protestant Reformation. The first Baptists were never part of the Catholic Church, but historical accounts say they suffered persecution from both the Catholic Church and Protestantism.

Within Christianity (which has Christ as the central element of the faith), there are different perspectives and denominations. Some differences between the Catholic Church and the Baptist Church are: in the Baptist Church there is no baptism of babies; Baptist Church leaders are known as pastors and do not have to take a vow of celibacy (they can marry and raise a family); in the Baptist Church there are no images and statues of religious figures.

According to the Baptist Church, baptism is a public demonstration of faith, and when a person is immersed in the waters, she admits that she leaves the "old life" behind, professing her intention to live up to the will of God.

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There are several different names in relation to Baptist Churches, which often arise due to some differences in doctrine. However, some essential doctrines are common to all Baptist Churches.

In Brazil, some of the best known Baptist Churches are the Baptist Church of Lagoinha, Gethsemane Baptist Church and Povo Baptist Church.
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