Does money really bring happiness? Studies say yes and even point out values

Throughout our lives we have been and still are encouraged to think that money should not be the reason for everything nor the definer of the concept of happiness.

Philosophically speaking, this maxim is correct and anyone who follows it should not worry about the metrics pointed out by the most materialistic wing of society.

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However, research shows that more and more people say that yes, money can define their happiness. More than that, some people even stipulate values ​​that define this “purchased happiness”.

How much are we talking about?

(Image: disclosure)

A survey carried out by the North American financial firm Empower showed that 6 in 10 United States citizens associate financial gains with happiness.

However, in this survey it was clear that this perception varies greatly with age. As an example, for North American Millennials it is necessary to earn US$525,000 per year to be completely happy.

Generation Z is satisfied with US$ 128 thousand per year, members of Generation X with US$ 130 thousand and Boomers, who are more experienced, would be complete if they earned US$ 124 thousand per year.

From another point of view, the average North American, regardless of generation, estimates US$284,000 annually as “the salary of happiness”.

When it comes to wealth, the average of all respondents suggests that having $1.2 million in their account as a savings or investment would make them happy.

In a gigantic counterpoint, the same study revealed that in Europe people consider those who earn between US$100,000 and US$35,000 per month to be happy.

What motivates people to think this way?

In an effort to prove that “financial happiness” is not just about money, the survey asked respondents what leads them to believe that having money makes people happy.

Most of those who responded said that having money to spare would make them feel more relieved and feel more secure.

Furthermore, factors such as being able to buy your own home, paying bills on time, having free time and treating yourself to small luxuries were also mentioned by large percentages of respondents.

Do the rich agree with this perception?

In their turn to be heard, the rich, people who not only want to have money left over, but actually have it, explained what actually happens when you are financially wealthy.

In a first analysis, the rich people interviewed stated that money does not bring happiness “alone”, but it can help someone achieve this objective of making it possible to carry out pleasurable activities, such as helping people in need, supporting the family and traveling, for example.

According to these people, over the years the perception of what happiness actually is can change and, according to them, younger people still do not have this capacity.

Finally, the rich report that being able to sleep peacefully knowing that their money is completely legal is very rewarding.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.

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