National alert: Forecast of storms in several regions

The arrival of the phenomenon El Niño it messed up the seasonal clock in Brazil and several other parts of the world, bringing intense heat especially throughout the Brazilian spring.

To give you an idea, in some regions of the country thermometers began to frequently average 50ºC. It's really hot!

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However, as summer approaches, which officially begins on December 21st, temperatures begin to fluctuate and the presence of rain becomes more present.

Today (1st), for example, some forecasts say that the next weekend will be filled with rain showers across much of the country. Keep reading to find out what the weather will be like in your area!

(Image: disclosure)


Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) points out that the northern region of Brazil will be the most affected by heavy rains this weekend.

In particular, some areas of Pará and Acre will suffer from intense storms, gusts of wind and even hail. The population must be cautious.

North East

Contrary to the forecast of general relief in other regions, the Northeast appears with the weather almost completely firm this first weekend of December.

The strong sun and high temperatures will be the main focus of this period. Even so, residents of Ceará, Piauí, Maranhão and Bahia can expect quick rains to “cool down” a little.


The region Midwest of Brazil has been one of the most affected by the strong heat wave that has swept the country in recent months. However, now the place seems to show some signs of relief.

In this “FDS” light rains are forecast in Goiás, the Federal District and in some regions of Mato Grosso do Sul. In the northwest of Mato Grosso the rain will come heavier, but this will not be enough to lower temperatures, which despite the rain will remain high.


The Southeast shows a strong tendency for the rains to continue, which have already been occurring with some frequency in the region.

For this weekend, the exceptions are the region that comprises the north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, the south of Espírito Santo and the east side of Minas Gerais, which will have, in addition to normal rain, the fall of hail.

Furthermore, meteorologists also warn that some regions of Minas Gerais and São Paulo will see a decrease in the rainfall presented so far.


Finally, forecasts for the south of the country speak of rain and cloudy skies spread across the entire region. In some places, the storms will alternate with periods of strong sun.

Rio Grande do Sul is the state that will suffer most from climate variations, recording storms of thunder, lightning, hail and strong winds, mainly.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.

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