Plants go through a process of cellular respiration in which they sequester carbon dioxide from the environment and release oxygen. Therefore, it also absorbs toxic substances, purifying the local atmosphere, especially in bathroom and in the kitchen.
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10 plants to place at the entrance of your home and attract luck and money
Plants ‘work’ better on weekends and the reason is…
Therefore, it is essential to place arrangements in different rooms, offering the necessary care to the soil. So, discover the varieties that suit humid environments and make the space cozy during hot days.
Best plants to put in the bathroom at home
1. Orchid

Firstly, the Orchid It needs to be in a place with indirect light and produces flowers that last for months. Remember to water it moderately, when the substrate is dry, do not wet the flower and fertilize once a month in summer.
2. Fern

Secondly, the fern is a plant that also prefers shade and has long, hanging leaves. In other words, it is a climbing plant that should be high up, on shelves, keeping the soil moist, but not soaked.
3. boa constrictor

The boa constrictor, in the same way as the previous option, requires a vertical support and brings together green and white foliage. This species is powerful, resistant and provides a pleasant look in different styles of decoration.
4. Bromeliad

Bromeliads have small colorful flowers that vary between red, pink, orange and yellow. Therefore, watering is usually weekly and the removal of yellowed fragments is essential for maintaining the stem.
5. Peace lily

Another plant that loves humid places and does not require light is the Peace lily, which symbolizes harmony. In this case, it is an excellent gift and watering is frequent, ranging from once to twice a week.
6. Begonia

As for begonia, the coloring comes in red, pink or white tones. That said, watering is weekly, but the petals should not be irrigated, as they can easily rot.
7. Areca palm

The areca palm has long, thin leaves, which resembles the tropical ecosystem. For this reason, water at least once a week, performing a finger test on the soil to check hydration.
8. Anthurium

Finally, this is one of the plants that adapt to the bathroom and watering occurs twice a week. Therefore, fertilization is recommended in the spring and summer seasons, to replace nutrients.
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