The trick to keeping avocados preserved for longer

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O avocado It is a versatile and delicious fruit, but its rapid ripening can often catch consumers by surprise, resulting in waste. However, there is a simple and effective trick to extend the shelf life of avocados at home.

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If you are a fan of this vegetable and don't give up on it in your diet, it's worth checking out the trick that only culinary experts know. Even though it's something simple, many people don't know what should be done.

Proper Avocado Storage

Before teaching you the trick for preserving fruit, it's worth knowing some tips for storing it the right way.

Keep avocados in a cool, dark place, like a pantry or cupboard. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight as this speeds up the ripening process.

Store avocados separately from other fruits. Some fruits emit ethylene, a gas that accelerates ripening. Keeping the avocado away from them helps control this process.

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Wrapping each avocado individually in paper towels can absorb moisture and help prevent the avocados from ripening too quickly.

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Smooth touch:
When choosing an avocado, opt for those that give slightly to the touch. If it's too hard, let it ripen at room temperature for a few days.

Remove the cab:

Another indicator is the removal of the cabin. If the area under the stem is green, the avocado is ripe. If it's brown, it's overripe.

How to keep avocados longer: trick revealed

Now, the infallible trick to keep avocados longer at home: use a slice of onion! That's right, onions, with their natural properties, can help keep avocados fresh.

Trick step by step:

  • Take a thin slice of onion, preferably white or red, as they are less intense in flavor.
  • Position the onion slice next to the avocado in the storage container or fruit bowl. Make sure the onion does not directly touch the avocado flesh.
  • Store the avocado and onion slice in a cool, dark place. The onion will help slow down the avocado ripening process.

This simple trick is effective due to the properties of onion, which help absorb ethylene and reduce exposure to air, keeping the avocado fresh for longer.

By applying these storage tips and the onion trick, you will be able to enjoy ripe avocados at the ideal time, avoiding waste and ensuring a delicious gastronomic experience. Try it and discover how this infallible trick can make a difference when preserving your avocados at home.

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