They can DISAPPEAR! 10 Brazilian animals are threatened with extinction

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Brazilian biodiversity, rich and unique, faces a growing threat with the increase in human presence and changes environmental. 10 native animals are on the critical list of endangered species, a worrying warning for the preservation of the Brazilian ecosystem.

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It is worth noting that this list is just a sample of some species that are at risk of disappearing from nature, in Brazil and around the world. Find out more about the reasons that made them enter into this relationship.

1. Great Blue Macaw threatened with extinction

Photo: reisegraf / Getty Images

The majestic great blue macaw, with its intensely blue feathers, is threatened with extinction due to habitat degradation and illegal trafficking. The loss of nesting areas and capture for the pet market are major factors.

2. Golden Lion tamarin

Photo: Jenhung Huang / Getty Images
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The emblematic golden lion tamarin faces the threat of extinction due to habitat destruction due to urban and agricultural expansion. Forest fragmentation isolates populations, reducing their genetic variability and increasing vulnerability.

3. Leather turtle

Photo: Stephanie Rousseau /

The world's largest sea turtle, the leatherback, grapples with bycatch, plastic ingestion, and the loss of nesting areas due to coastal urbanization. Climate change also affects the incubation temperature of eggs.

4. Giant Anteater threatened with extinction

Photo: Christian Musat /

Agricultural expansion and loss of forest habitats impact the giant anteater. Furthermore, the illegal animal trade and road kills contribute to its decline.

5. Manatee

Photo: Jeff Stamer /

The manatee, inhabiting the rivers and lakes of the Amazon, suffers from illegal hunting, pollution of water and habitat degradation due to human activity. Deaths from boat collisions also pose a significant threat to its extinction.

6. Jaguar

Photo: Palenque / Getty Images Pro

Despite its reputation as an apex predator, the jaguar faces threats of extinction due to habitat loss and conflicts with humans. Illegal hunting and the reduction of natural prey also contribute to its endangered status.

7. Giant Armadillo

Photo: Kevin Schafer

The giant armadillo, the largest armadillo in the world, is critically endangered due to hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation caused by roads and agricultural activities.

8. Endangered Vinegar Dog

Photo: Karelj / Wikipedia

The bush dog, a medium-sized predator, faces pressure from habitat destruction and competition with other predators introduced by humans. Hunting and the spread of disease also contribute to its decline.

9. Tucuxi threatened with extinction

Photo: Archilider / Wikipedia

The tucuxi, a small freshwater dolphin, is threatened by water contamination, collisions with vessels and incidental capture in fishing nets. The fragmentation of rivers due to the construction of dams also harms their populations.

10. giant otter

Photo: mirecca / Getty Images

The giant otter, the largest aquatic carnivore in South America, suffers from habitat degradation, water pollution and hunting. Reducing aquatic prey populations also poses a significant extinction threat.

Challenges for conservation

The preservation of these threatened species requires coordinated efforts, including effective habitat protection, combating illegal hunting and implementing sustainable practices. Environmental education and community engagement also play crucial roles in the search for harmonious coexistence between humans and Brazil's rich fauna.

Furthermore, raising awareness about the critical situation of these species is the first step towards effective action. The preservation of Brazilian biodiversity is a shared responsibility, and the urgency to protect These endangered species are vital for the balance of ecosystems and the future of our heritage Natural.

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