Amazon surprises: robots will now pack the items you receive

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When receiving a package from Amazon, it can be surprising to come across a box that is much larger than the item it contains. A classic example is an extensive box for a single bottle of shampoo. Have you ever received a request like this?

Amazon is meeting this challenge with an innovative solution: the CW 1000, a designed robot to improve packaging sizing.

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Currently in the implementation process, I had the exclusive opportunity to witness the CW 1000 in action in a warehouse located on the outskirts of Chicago.

According to a statement made to the Yahoo Finance In August of this year, Julie Mitchell, director of robotic sorting technology at Amazon, highlighted that the implementation of the CW 1000 represents the first automation of the company's packaging process company.

She highlighted Amazon's commitment, over the last decade, to analyzing all tasks carried out in the company's buildings, looking for ways to introduce automation to reduce repetitive strain injuries and improve safety and efficiency operational.

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Amazon's new venture

The robot assembly line is highly dependent on the artificial intelligence (AI) for identifying objects, from toothbrushes to the largest objects. Later, customize the size of the box, wrapping each item with cardboard.

In addition to accelerating the packaging preparation process, the CW 1000 has the potential to not only solve a long-standing concern for customers, but also to contribute to Amazon's sustainability efforts.

In 2019, the company announced its intention to decarbonize all of its operations by 2040, as part of the “The Climate Pledge“.

This initiative also extends to Amazon Web Services (AWS), which has committed to achieving a positive balance by the year 2030.

If your order arrives with the perfect packaging size, know that Amazon's new venture is showing signs of life!

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