Bipolarity can be diagnosed by blood test

Have you ever thought it would be possible to find out if someone has bipolar disorder with just a blood sample? This is exactly what scientists from the renowned University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, achieved.

The study, published in scientific journal Jama Psychiatry, reveals an innovative method that uses biomarkers present in the blood to diagnose bipolar disorder more effectively.

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What is bipolarity and how to recognize it?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by marked and extreme variations in mood, which include manic and depressive episodes. These episodes are distinct from normal mood swings and can seriously affect the individual's life.

Recognizing bipolarity involves identifying these extreme episodes. During a manic episode, a person may experience irrational euphoria, excessive energy, rapid speech, disorganized thoughts, and poor judgment.

These symptoms can lead to risky behavior and impulsive decisions. On the other hand, a depressive episode can be identified by intense sadness, lack of interest in pleasurable activities, changes in appetite or sleep, fatigue and, in serious situations, thoughts suicides.

Recognizing bipolar disorder can be challenging, as many of its symptoms overlap with other mental health conditions.

Science in search of precision

Faced with this challenge, the Cambridge researchers opted for an innovative approach. They combined an online psychiatric assessment with a blood test, claiming that the combination of these methods can diagnose up to 30% of patients, with even greater effectiveness when used in set.

The data analyzed came from the Delta study, carried out in the United Kingdom between 2018 and 2020, seeking to identify bipolarity in patients previously diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

Innovation in Action

More than 3,000 volunteers participated, responding to an extensive online assessment. Among them, a thousand were chosen to send dried blood samples, obtained from a simple finger prick. Analysis of 600 biological components revealed significant signs for bipolarity, including lifelong manic symptoms.

These biomarkers were validated in a separate group of patients, who received new diagnoses during the one-year follow-up.

The importance of accurate diagnosis

“Psychiatric evaluations are highly effective, but the ability to diagnose bipolar disorder with a simple blood test may ensuring patients receive the right treatment the first time and relieving some of the pressure on medical professionals,” highlights Tomasik.

Combining reporting with biomarker testing has significantly improved diagnostic accuracy, especially in less obvious cases.

In addition to diagnosis, the identification of biomarkers offers the possibility of choosing more appropriate treatments.

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