A decision by the 1st Appeals Panel of the Special Courts of the Federal District forced a animal products company to pay compensation of R$837.73 for material damages, and another R$2,000 for moral damages.
This is because a dog, when using the brand's flea and tick collar, ended up contracting parasites.
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The animal's owner says that, in 2021, she purchased the product for R$130 reais and started putting it on her pet. The promise was to protect him against fleas and ticks for up to eight months. However, she still found ticks on her dog several times after starting to use the accessory.
Understand the case and the court’s decision
According to the process, the owner had to spend more money on other medications and products to put an end to the parasite infestation in her animal.
However, even though the second medication worked, your dog contracted an allergy to the tick's saliva, requiring further veterinary care.
(Image: disclosure)
Thus, the guardian filed a lawsuit against the first company — whose name was not disclosed —, requesting reimbursement of the amounts, both for the collar, as well as moral damages.
The company appealed the decision
After the first decision, the company filed an appeal, claiming that the guardian is not entitled to compensation, since It is not possible to understand whether there was any inappropriate action on your part — such as using the collar incorrectly.
However, the DF Court guarantees that all evidence shows that the quality of the item did not deliver the promised result, since the tutor had to buy other products with the same purpose to treat the animal.
Therefore, the court unanimously understood that the compensation was valid, as the manufacturer's promise was not fulfilled.