FNDE opens competition with 100 vacancies and salaries of more than R$7 thousand; check out

The notice of public competition from the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU), requiring 100 vacancies.

Opportunities are available immediately and require candidates to have higher education in the area of ​​Specialist in Financing and Program Execution and Educational Projects.

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Registration is currently underway and will close soon, specifically on October 6th. To register, interested parties should go toofficial registration page, made available by the event organizer. Assessments will be carried out on December 3rd.

Distribution of vacancies

Of the 100 vacancies, 75 of them are for broad competition, while 20 are destined for black candidates and 5 for people with disabilities. In addition, a reserve list of candidates will be created.

The result of the first stage of the public competition includes the list of approved candidates, ordered by classification, also including the reserve register.

(Image: disclosure)

Those approved must present a diploma proving completion of a higher-level course or an equivalent legal qualification in any field of study.

Such a diploma must be issued by a higher education institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). In addition, those selected will work 40 hours per week.

The initial remuneration will be R$ 7,938.73, made up of the basic salary and the Performance Bonus for Financing and Execution of Educational Programs and Projects (GDAFE).

Those appointed to the position also receive an increase of R$658.00 as food allowance, and can receive a degree in remuneration, which varies according to their level of academic training.

For those with a postgraduate degree, the remuneration will be R$ 1,139.83, while civil servants doctors earn R$2,917.19.

Details about the test

The registration fee for the competition is R$80, and payment must be made by October 25th. However, it is important to note that some people may request an exemption.

The entity responsible for certifying the competition is the Cebraspe, therefore, all registration procedures need to be carried out on the institution's website, as mentioned at the beginning of the text.

The assessment process includes two objective tests and two discursive tests. In the morning, the first test will be administered, with 50 objective questions related to basic knowledge, in addition to the discursive writing assessment.

Finally, the second test will take place during the afternoon and will consist of 120 objective questions, plus one discursive question.

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