Exercises on adjectives for 6th grade

Indicate the alternative in which the word in bold is an adjective.

Answer key explained

Adjectives express characteristics of something or someone. In this case, the official word is characterizing the document.

In alternative b) the word "official" is not presenting a characteristic, therefore, it is not an adjective. In this case, it is a noun, because it is giving a name to a being.

a) This book is by a writer famous which has already sold millions of copies.
b) For me, the most fragrant It's the field after it rains.
c) The parade carnivalesque attracted thousands of revelers to the streets.
d) The hurricane fierce uprooted the trees.
e) I didn’t miss traffic chaotic of the city.

a) turquoise blue, emerald green, olive green

b) dark brown, political-social, light green

c) medical-surgical, dark green, emerald green

d) golden yellow, blood red, dark brown

Answer key explained

When both words are adjectives, only the last one goes into the plural, with the exception of the compound adjective deaf-mute, in which both make plural: deaf-mute.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) turquoise blue, emerald green, olive green

All adjectives are wrong. The right one is turquoise, emerald green and olive green, because compound adjectives formed by adjective + noun are invariable.

c) medical-surgical, dark green, emerald green

The adjective “emerald green” is wrong. The right one is emerald green, because compound adjectives formed by adjective + noun are invariable.

d) golden yellow, blood red, dark brown

The adjective “dark brown” is wrong. The right one is dark brown, because when both words are adjectives, only the last one goes into the plural, with the exception of the compound adjective deaf-mute, in which both make plural: deaf-mute.

Associate national adjectives with place names.

a) 1 - IV, 2 - I, 3 - VI, 4 - II, 5 - VII, 6 - III, 7 - V

b) 1 - I, 2 - IV, 3 - VI, 4 - II, 5 - VII, 6 - III, 7 - V

c) 1 - IV, 2 - I, 3 - VI, 4 - VII, 5 - II, 6 - III, 7 - V

d) 1 - IV, 2 - I, 3 - VI, 4 - II, 5 - VII, 6 - V, 7 - III

Answer key explained

Australia - Australian, Austria - Austrian, Brasilia - Brasiliaense, El Salvador - Salvadoran, Salvador - Salvadoran, Monaco - Monegasque, Mongolia - Mongolian.

a) happy, intelligence, Brazilian

b) happy, intelligent, Brazil

c) happy, intelligent, Brazilian

d) happiness, intelligence, Brazilian

Answer key explained

The words “happy, intelligent, Brazilian” are adjectives, because they express qualities or characteristics of someone.

a) period of the night - period nocturnal
b) house from parents - House paternal
c) food tasteless - food tasteless
d) love of son - love branch
e) movement of students - movement student
f) orders of the king - orders regal
g) product smelless - product odorless

Uniform adjectives are those that have the same form in both the masculine and feminine genders:

  • gentle
  • young
  • optimistic
  • bad
  • fast

Biform adjectives are those that have one form in the masculine gender and another form in the feminine gender:

  • atheist - atheist
  • good good
  • raw - raw
  • islet - islet
  • bad - bad

Choose the alternative whose adjective is in the relative superlative degree of inferiority.

Answer key explained

The intensification of the adjective high is being done in relation to everyone and not to anyone specific. This sentence, in the comparative degree of inferiority, would be as follows: Júnior is less tall (than) you.

Indicate the alternative in which all adjectives are uniform.

Answer key explained

Uniform adjectives have the same form in the masculine and feminine gender: happy boy/girl, loyal friend/friend, São Paulo barbecue/cuisine.

Which of the alternatives correctly replaces the adjective with the synthetic absolute degree erudite in the sentence below?

The nurse is a very nice gentleman.

FERNANDES, Márcia. Exercises on adjectives for 6th grade.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-adjetivos-para-6-ano/. Access at:

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