Chechnya Civil War. Chechnya Civil War Motivation

The Russian Republic of small territory declared its independence in 1991, Russia did not accept this decision and decided to attack the capital of Chechnya (Crozny), but the Russian attempt did not get an exodus, as his troop was defeated by the enemy army, this conflict dragged on until 1996, when it ended with a wake up.
Chechnya, being of Islamic religion and in an attempt to create a Muslim state, invaded the territory of a republic neighboring, the Russian government fearing a separatist expansion sent its troops and took possession of 80% of the territory and passed the administer it.
The Russian government had concerns about the growth of Islamic fundamentalism, it feared that the example of the Chechens would infect other nations, and these would promote separatist struggles.
International groups were against the violent actions of Russian troops, as they executed many Chechens, through rape, murder, torture and other inhumane acts.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Civil War in Chechnya"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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