San Marino. San Marino Details

The small territory of San Marino (61 square kilometers) is located between the provinces of Emilia-Romagna and the Marches in Italy. This country occupies a region of Mount Titano, the western branch of the Alpennines, close to the Adriatic Sea.

Inhabited by just 31.3 thousand people, the country is the least populous among all member states of the Council of Europe. San Marino, the capital, has a total population of 4,367 inhabitants. Serravalle is the city with the largest population: 10,180 inhabitants.

The national economy is based on tourist activity - approximately 3 million people visit San Marino annually. Other important sources of financial income are banks, electronics industries and ceramics.

The population enjoys a high standard of living. Per capita income is one of the highest in the world ($55,055). The infant mortality rate is only 4 deaths per thousand live births; all inhabitants over the age of 15 are literate.

Coat of Arms of San Marino

San Marino Details:
Territorial extension: 61 km².

Location: Europe.
Capital: San Marino.
Climate: Mediterranean.
Government: Parliamentary Republic.
Administrative division: 9 castles, which correspond to the original parishes of the Republic.
Language: Italian (official).
Religions: Christianity 91.9% (Catholics 88.1%, others 3.8%), no religion 5.4%, Atheism 1.8%, Bahaism 0.9%.
Population: 31,359 inhabitants. (Men: 15,309; Women: 16,050).
Composition: Samarinese 76.8%, Italians 22%, others 1.2%.
Demographic density: 514 inhab/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 0.8%.
Population residing in urban areas: 94.28%.
Population residing in rural areas: 5.72%.
Undernourished population: less than 5%.
Life expectancy at birth: 81.7 years.
Euro currency.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 1.7 billion dollars.
GDP per capita: $55,055.
External relations: World Bank, IMF, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

countries - geography - Brazil School

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