Cade requests a competition with 42 vacancies and salaries of up to R$6,800; know more!

The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) requested a new public competition to fill 42 vacancies. The event aims to fill the current deficit of servers of the organ.

The notice is scheduled to open in August 2024 and should guarantee opportunities for several professionals from different areas.

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Cemig competition offers 240 vacancies with salaries of up to R$10 thousand;…

Cade's request must be evaluated by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) before being approved. But those interested can now start preparing to take the tests.

Positions expected to be opened and requirements

Opportunities will be aimed at candidates with a higher level of education. Furthermore, they require experience in specific areas to assist in the functioning of Cade and its administrative processes. The main ones are for:

  • Technical-Administrative Analyst – 40 vacancies: It is necessary to present a diploma duly registered with the Ministry of Education (MEC);

  • Accountant – 1 vacancy: It is necessary to present a diploma of completion of graduation in the Accounting Sciences course;

  • Economist – 1 vacancy: It is mandatory to present a diploma of completion of the degree completed in the Economic Sciences course.

(Image: disclosure)

All opportunities offered by Cade require the presentation of a diploma duly registered with the MEC, issued by a higher education institution recognized by the body.

Remuneration is R$5,488.46 for Technical-Administrative Analyst and Accountant positions. For Economist, the salary reaches R$6,804.23, representing the opportunity available with the highest remuneration expected for the competition.

How Cade’s selection process should work

Candidates will have to take objective tests and discursive tests on topics related to the vacancies. To do so, experience in the segment is necessary, as well as knowledge of the specific procedures for each area of ​​activity.

With the tests applied and knowledge required by the last notice released in 2013, it is possible to have a base and start studies.

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