ATTENTION! You may not be sleeping long enough and this is SERIOUS; understand

It is not uncommon, in conversations between friends or family, for some people to comment that they wake up tired. Or do they have some other sleep-related problem.

These are worrying reports. This is because sleep is not just a “luxury” that we give our bodies; It's something he needs.

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What happens if I don't get enough sleep?

Our night's sleep is a biological need. It sets the tone for what our day will be like, as it directly influences our mood and our ability to concentrate.

And also in our long-term health. After all, sleepless nights can go far beyond irritability and tiredness. They can also lead to weight gain and the eventual emergence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Not to mention the consequences for mental health. More recent studies have concluded that there is a correlation between sleep deprivation and disorders such as anxiety and depression.

How much sleep do I need?

This can vary from person to person and involves several factors, such as age, physical activity and lifestyle.

We grew up hearing that a healthy adult should to sleepOn average, between seven and eight hours a night, however, this may not be the rule for you.

Some people may feel super fit with six hours in bed, and others need a little more. It is necessary to understand your body and know what it is asking of you.

There are some signs of an unrefreshing night's sleep: irritability and lack of focus in simple routine situations, such as driving and reading. And the most classic symptom of all: drowsiness throughout the day.

(Image: disclosure)

How can I improve my sleep?

Before anything else, make sure the environment where you lie down is appropriate: well-ventilated, dark and quiet. After that, there is the sleep hygiene, a routine to prepare for bed.

The first step is to avoid caffeine and screens (cell phone, television, computer) right before bed. Ideally, you should not drink any stimulants until 4pm and stay away from electronic devices an hour before going to bed.

The second step is to slow down your body and your thoughts. To achieve this, you can try a multitude of techniques. Some people like to drink calming tea, have relaxing scents around them (like lavender and chamomile) and do guided meditation or breathing exercises.

Other people also like to put a light white noise to touch. In this case, it means squeaking, the noise of rain or sea waves.

And, finally, it is worth highlighting that doing physical exercise regularly will greatly increase the quality of your sleep. Just don't do them shortly before bed, otherwise they will have the opposite effect.

Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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