Retatrutida: what it is, what it is for, effects

A retatruda is a new injectable medication, still in the study phase, which could be used for the treatment of obesity It is of type 2 diabetes. Retatrutide is a molecule that acts on the receptors of three hormones involved in the hunger and satiety, and which also regulate insulin and blood glucose levels, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon.

In a study carried out, patients who received treatment with retatrutide showed significant weight loss. As it is a molecule capable of producing insulin, retatrutide can help control type 2 diabetes. Despite presenting encouraging results for the treatment of obesity, it is a drug still in phase 2 of study, and more in-depth research is needed to confidently affirm what its benefits and disadvantages.

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Topics in this article

  • 1 - Summary about retatrutida
  • 2 - What is retatrutida?
  • 3 - What is the retatruda for?
  • 4 - Indications for retrofitting
  • 5 - Effects of retatrutida on the body
  • 6 - Advantages and disadvantages of retatruda
  • 7 - Differences between semaglutide and retatrutide

Summary about retatrutida

  • Retatrutide is an injectable medication still under study that could be used to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  • It is a molecule that acts on the receptors of three hormones involved in the hunger and satiety mechanism, and which also regulate insulin and blood glucose levels, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon.
  • Patients who underwent treatment with retatrutide experienced significant weight loss over a period of 48 weeks.
  • By stimulating insulin production, retatrutide can be used to treat type 2 diabetes.
  • While semaglutide only acts on the receptor for one hormone, GLP-1, retatrutide acts on the receptors for three hormones, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon.

What is retatruda?

The retort is an injectable medication, still in the study phase, which could be used to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes. It is a molecule that acts on the receptors of three hormones involved in the hunger and satiety mechanism, and also with blood glucose and insulin levels, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon.

What is the retatruda for?

The retort could be used to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes. The results obtained in a study with retatrutide demonstrated significant weight loss, and experts say that this substance could replace bariatric surgery. By stimulating insulin production, retatrutide can be used to treat type 2 diabetes.

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Indications for retatrutida

The retort is a medicine researched by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly that is still in phase 2 of research, that is, as stated by the research article published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the drug's relationship to side effects, safety or effectiveness in treating obesity and diabetes is still not completely known.

Therefore, although the results obtained in this study are very encouraging for issues related to the treatment of obesity, There are still no concrete results that safely indicate the use of retatrutida, making it necessary to study the drug in more advanced stages to objectively state the cases in which its use is indicated.

Effects of retatrude on the body

The effects of retatrude on the body known so far are the results obtained in a phase 2 study carried out in overweight or obese adult participants. In this study, participants received subcutaneous doses of retatrutide once a week for 48 weeks.

The results obtained demonstrated that, in 48 weeks of using the medication, the study participants presented percentage change in body weight, weight reduction of 5% or more, 10% or more, or 15% or more, that is: patients who underwent treatment with retatrude for 48 weeks showed a significant loss of body weight.

Another study carried out with retatrutide revealed that this molecule stimulates insulin production through the pancreas and therefore plays a significant role in controlling type 2 diabetes.

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Advantages and disadvantages of retatruda

  • Advantages of the retatruda: Its advantages over other medications used for weight control are that retatrutide acts on the receptors for three different hormones involved in the hunger and satiety mechanisms, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon; while the other medicines known so far do not act on these three hormones in combination.
  • Disadvantages of retatruda: its disadvantages observed during the study were gastrointestinal complications that ranged from mild to moderate depending on the dose of medication applied. These complications presented as symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. Furthermore, it is worth remembering that the results obtained with retatrude were derived from a phase 2 study, carried out on a small number of participants. For more reliable results on the safety and efficiency of the drug, more in-depth studies are needed.

Differences between semaglutide and retatrutide

 semaglutide is an approved medicine by Anvisa for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The main difference between semaglutide and retatrutide is that semaglutide acts only on the receptor for one hormone, GLP-1, while retatrutide acts on the receptors for three hormones, GLP-1, GIP and glucagon.

The action of retatrude on the mechanisms of these three hormones combined is an unprecedented situation that could lead to weight loss at higher rates than those provided by other medications available in the Marketplace.


Jastreboff AM, Kaplan LM, Frías JP, Wu Q, Du Y, Gurbuz S, Coskun T, Haupt A, Milicevic Z, Hartman ML; Retatrutide Phase 2 Obesity Trial Investigators. Triple-Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity - A Phase 2 Trial. N Engl J Med. 2023 Aug 10;389(6):514-526. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2301972. Epub 2023 Jun 26. PMID: 37366315.

Semaglutide: how obesity treatment works. Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories. Available in:. Accessed on: 14 September. 2023.

After Ozempic, the retard: in a study, people lost up to 24% of their weight. Correio Braziliense. 05 Jul. 2023. Available in:. Accessed on: 14 September. 2023.

Poliana Casemiro. Retatrutida: drug being tested makes patient lose 1/4 of their weight and is seen as an alternative to bariatric surgery. G1. 12 Sep. 2023. Available in:. Accessed on: 14 September. 2023.

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