One heat wave should reach Brazil in all regions this week, according to MetSul Meteorologia. The biggest Expected temperatures will be between 40º C and 45° C.
Although the week is already starting with heat, the forecast is that temperatures will increase from Thursday (21).
There are fifteen states that should be affected by the air mass warm. One of the capitals that will have the highest temperature will be Cuiabá (MT), what can reach 43º C maximum on Thursday (21) and Friday (22), according to forecasts from the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet).
The condition is a "situation of high danger due to the severity of the expected heat and which will require attention from the authorities". The level of exceptional heat could be harmful to health and life, with a greater risk to the vulnerable population, such as the sick and elderly, warns MetSul.
Stay in:What is it, the causes and consequences of the heat wave
Which states will be hit by the heat wave in Brazil?
Among the states in which temperatures will approach 40ºC or exceed this mark, according to MetSul, are:
Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Federal District, Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Bahia, Piauí and Maranhão.

Credit: Reproduction / Inmet.
The states that will be hardest hit by the heat wave will be the Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul.

Credit: Reproduction / MetSul Meteorologia.
What is a heat wave?
The heat wave is an atmospheric phenomenon in which temperatures rise abnormally compared to to the maximum temperatures already recorded in the place, says Geography professor Paloma Guitarrara in this article.
A mass of hot air is responsible for causing this increase in temperature. The relative humidity of the air can be changed with this process, explains the educator.
See too:The main environmental problems
Consequences of the heat wave
The heat wave can cause consequences for humans, according to Guitarrara:
death from hyperthemia.
As for economy and the environment, the consequences of the heat wave are:
increased possibility of forest fires;
loss of crops and livestock;
overload of electrical energy systems.
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Video lesson on climate change
Find out what are climate changes and their impacts to the environment in the video lesson by Geography teacher Larissa Mesquita:
By Lucas Afonso