Will rain? Check out what the weather will be like in September!

The month of August was, to say the least, curious. For the first time in years, we had torrential rains that are not typical for this time of year. And, according to the most recent weather forecasts, the situation should not change much in September.

This new sheet of the calendar marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. But this year, that transition will be a little different.

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The month will be strongly influenced by El Niño, and it is estimated that we will see the greatest warming in the Pacific since 2015. In other words, the highest temperatures in eight years.

Temperatures will rise

Thermometers are expected to register higher than average temperatures in the coming days, especially in the South and Southeast regions. In the Midwest, it will suffer a little more than the others. Normally, the region is already affected by high temperatures and drought, but the situation tends to escalate, with a maximum of 40ºC in some states.

Therefore, a low number of cold days are expected in the coming weeks. Although, according to MetSul, the temperature should drop at times, with the formation of frost.

And the water will fall in September

But, in the coming days, central Brazil will be able to prepare for the gradual return of rain. This normally takes place in the second half of September. However, it was brought forward to the end of August.

The southernmost region of Brazil can also expect a lot of water. Especially Rio Grande do Sul could see rivers rise and, as a consequence, floods.

Additionally, we may see an increase in the number of major storms across Brazil. This is thanks to the meeting of cold and hot air masses and the warmer, humid and unstable atmosphere of the world. El Niño.

The storms are not expected to be more devastating, but to occur in greater numbers. There is also the possibility of extratropical cyclones occurring in the South Atlantic.

Stay tuned for more predictions!

Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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