Floods: concept, causes and solutions

Floods are natural events which occur when water exceeds the soil's absorption potential or the capacity of rivers and streams, flooding surrounding areas.

They can be caused by various conditions, such as intense and prolonged rain, high tides, water obstruction by garbage or poorly planned construction, among other factors.

Urban floods and their consequences

These phenomena occur mainly in summer, the rainy season in much of Brazil. It is worth remembering that these excessive rains are natural phenomena, and do not cause major problems in nature. Flooding problems are social problems, mainly caused by a lack of urban planning.

This type of flooding occurs in urbanized areas, generally resulting from factors including:

  • Street paving;
  • Construction of buildings;
  • Deforestation and environmental degradation;
  • Lack of adequate urban planning.

The consequences of urban flooding are diverse and directly affect the population. We can mention material losses, such as loss of goods, vehicles and damage to buildings. There are also social losses, such as displacement of people, problems with urban mobility and the proliferation of water-borne diseases.

Factors such as living in hillside areas or close to rivers end up worsening these floods. In this way, we understand the flood as a natural event, however, which causes social consequences due to human causes.

Cars stopped with water covering them up to half

How to avoid floods

Preventing floods is a complex challenge that requires efforts from different sectors of society, such as governments, companies and local communities.

Some measures that can be adopted to prevent or minimize flooding are: planning urban, preservation of river areas, environmental education and awareness and investment in policies public.

To find out more, read:

  • Silting of Rivers
  • Natural disasters
  • Urban environmental problems: what they are and impacts
  • Landfill

MARQUES, Vinícius. Floods: concept, causes and solutions.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/enchetes/. Access at:

See too

  • Natural disasters
  • Silting of Rivers
  • Landfill
  • The Importance of Soil
  • Selective collect
  • Dilution of solutions
  • Main environmental problems
  • Types of Garbage
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