Conjugation of the verb jabear

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb jabear.


Type of verb: regular

Past participle: jabeado


Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive

Syllabic division: ja-be-ar

Conjugation of the verb jabear in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I jabeio
you jabeia
he/she jabeia
we boast
you jabeais
they jabeia
Imperfect past tense I jabbed
you jabeava
he/she jabbed
we were jabbing
you jabeable
they jabbed
Past perfect I boasted
you jabeasted
he/she jabbed
we boast
you jabeasted
they jabed
Past perfect tense I jabeara
you jabearas
he/she/it jabeara
we would jabeará
you will jabear
they jabed
Future of the present I will jabear
you jabeaiah
he/she will jabear
we will jabear
you will jabear
they jabed
Future of past tense I would jabear
you would jabear
he/she would jabe
we would jabearia
you would jabearia
they jabed

Conjugation of the verb jabear in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I boast
that you boast
let him/her boast
let us jabeem
that you jabe
let them boast
Imperfect past tense if I jabbed
if you jabeas
if he/she jabbed
if we jabe
if you jabeássess
if they jabbed
Future when I jabar
when you jabar
when he/she jabs
when we jabar
when you boast
when they jabe

Conjugation of the verb jabear in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


jabeia you
jabeie he/she
let's go
jabeai you
shout out to them

Negative imperative


don't you jabe
don't mock him/her
let's not jabe
don't jabe
don't mock them

Conjugation of the verb jabear in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive by jabear me
for jabaring you
for jabbing him/her
for jabaring us
because you jabared
for bragging about them

Source: Brazil School -

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