Global boil: what it is, causes, consequences

Global boiling is an expression said by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) to describe the current phase of acceleration of global warming and climate change. After the hottest month of July in history since measurements began in the 1970s, the expression “boiling global” was used to warn about the risks of worsening the rise in the planet’s average temperatures Earth.

Although we find ourselves in a critical situation, it is still possible to act to reduce the impacts of global warming. Among the measures that can be adopted by companies and governments, mainly, are the transition to a cleaner and more renewable energy matrix and the adoption of emissions neutrality policies carbon.

Read too: Forest fires — environmental disasters whose main cause is anthropogenic activities

Topics in this article

  • 1 - Summary of global boiling
  • 2 - What is global boiling?
  • 3 - Causes of global boiling
  • 4 - Characteristics of global boiling
  • 5 - Consequences of the global upheaval
  • 6 - Differences between global boiling and global warming
  • 7 - Possible measures to avoid global boil-over
  • 8 - Global boil-over in Enem

Global Boiling Summary

  • Global boiling is a term used by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, as a warning about the acceleration of global warming.

  • Global boiling is a phase of accelerated increase in Earth's temperatures and intensification of climate change.

  • Its cause is the acceleration of global warming, caused by the greater emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere and the direct intervention of human beings in nature, such as through deforestation.

  • The greater recurrence of extreme climatic and atmospheric phenomena, such as strong heat waves, very heavy rains and severe droughts, are some of the consequences of the global outbreak.

  • The global crisis can be alleviated through urgent actions to be taken by governments, companies and individuals, such as, for example, the adoption of a renewable and clean energy matrix.

What is global boiling?

Global boiling is a term used to describe the current stage of climate changes by which planet Earth has been, marked by the acceleration of global warming. The expression “global boiling” was used by the secretary-general of the United Nations, António Guterres, when commenting on the hottest month of July ever recorded in history, which took place in the year 2023.

The era of global upheaval, as dubbed by Guterres, indicates a period of unprecedented intensification of global warming and of extreme concern regarding the future of the world population and, mainly, the maintenance of our planet.

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Causes of the global boil

The global boil is caused by accelerated increase in average temperatures on planet Earth, that is, by the intensification of the phenomenon we know as global warming. The maintenance of an energy matrix based on fossil fuels, such as oil and mineral coal, and the consequent emission of polluting gases of the atmosphere by industries and combustion vehicles (such as cars, buses, trucks and others) are the factors that contribute to a greater extent to the intensification of the greenhouse effect and, thus, to the increase in average temperature terrestrial.

Not only that, but also the intervention direct from human beingsin nature, as through the burned and the practice of logging, contributes to the greenhouse effect and the worsening of climate change.

Power plant emitting smoke, pollution that causes global boiling.
Human action intensifies the acceleration of global warming, caused mainly by the emission of polluting gases.

Considering the way the expression was coined, we can say that the global upheaval was caused by the lack of effective actions in controlling global warming. Therefore, climate change was not mitigated or alleviated in the time necessary for the situation to not become very serious, as it is now.

See too: Carbon neutral — term related to pollution reduction measures that can be exercised by everyone

Features of global boiling

Global ebullition is characterized by the greater frequency of extreme climatic and atmospheric phenomena, the main example being very intense heat waves that occurred in different parts of the world in July 2023 and the strong El Niño that formed between the end of July and August, which also brought very hot and very dry weatherin various regions of the planet, especially in the American continent. Therefore, in addition to atmospheric temperatures, ocean water temperatures are higher than normal.

According to National Geographic|1|, the average temperature of planet Earth reached 17º C during this period, a record was recorded for the month of July since measurements began, which took place in 1979. The previous record was 16.9º C, reached in 2016. The calculation of the global average temperature is based on data from more than 20 thousand meteorological stations spread across the world.

Consequences of the global boil

Expanse of melting sea ice.
The melting of polar ice is one of the consequences of global ebullition.

The global outbreak raised the alarm of authorities and researchers around the world, because its consequences could be devastating if the situation is not controlled in time. You extreme events will become recurrent, and the phenomena associated with them tend to follow the same path. Once again, the heat waves and dry weather that hit the planet in 2023 caused large forest fires, as happened in the US state of Hawaii.

In general terms, the global upheaval causes an acceleration in ongoing climate change. In that regard, are consequences of the global upheaval:

  • greater frequency of hot flashes;

  • intensification of the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps;

  • rising ocean levels;

  • occurrence of fires and forest fires;

  • increase in ocean temperatures;

  • loss of terrestrial and marine biodiversity;

  • very intense, voluminous and concentrated rains;

  • large floods and floods;

  • recurrence of phenomena such as hurricanes and extratropical cyclones;

  • prolonged droughts and very dry weather.

Differences between global boiling and global warming

  • Global warming: term that describes the increase in the planet's average temperatures Earth as a consequence of anthropic activities, that is, carried out by human beings. These activities emit polluting gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which intensifies the greenhouse effect and causes global temperatures to rise. As a consequence, we have the occurrence of climate change.

  • Global boiling: term that describes the acceleration of global warming, used as a warning about the worsening consequences generated by the increase in planetary temperatures.

Know more: Environmental impacts and their consequences

Possible measures to avoid global boil-over

Although we have already reached the era of global boiling, António Guterres states that there are still chances of slowing down the rise in Earth's temperatures and avoiding its most damaging consequences. We have not yet reached what could be called the “point of no return”. To achieve this, urgent actions are necessary, especially when it comes to the largest economies in the world, which are those that make up the G20 group.

One of these measures would be the transition from an energy matrix dependent on fossil fuels to a clean matrix and renewable, aiming to completely replace polluting sources by the year 2040. Furthermore, it is important that industries and large companies make this change and adopt the net-zero emissions policy (net-zero) as a form of compensation.

Global boiling in Enem

Global upheaval is a topic that is both new and well known to students. As we have seen, it is a term that describes the current phase of acceleration of global warming. Thus, the approach that Enem can take regarding the global boil-over revolves around:

  • of the main agents causing global warming;

  • the processes that led to its intensification in recent years;

  • the effects of accelerated global warming on the world climate and biodiversity;

  • the consequences of worsening climate change;

  • possible solutions to curb the increase in terrestrial temperatures;

  • the meaning of boiling, and the reason for this association with the current phase of global warming.

It is always important to reinforce the fact that Enem is a test that values ​​interdisciplinarity, and the theme of global ebullience may appear from the perspective of other disciplines besides Geography.


|1|STONE, Madeleine. The Earth has just broken a heat record. And it won't be the last. National Geographic, 07 Jul. 2023. Available in:


ESSAY. Global warming: what is the boiling era? National Geographic Brazil, 2 Aug. 2023. Available in:,

UN NEWS. Hottest July ever signals ‘era of global boiling has arrived’ says UN chief. UN News, 27 Jul. 2023. Available in:

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

GUITARRARA, Paloma. "Global Boiling"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed September 12, 2023.

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