Did Faustão 'jump the queue' for a heart transplant? Understand how the process works!

The host Fausto Silva, theFaustão”, aged 73, received a new heart last Sunday (27) after surgery that lasted more than 2 hours at Albert Einstein Hospital, in São Paulo.

He had been hospitalized since August 5, when he was diagnosed with cardiac insufficiency and needed to start dialysis.

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After several exams, the presenter was placed on the waiting list of the National Transplant System, which serves patients from the Unified Health System (SUS) and the private network.

The speed with which Faustão underwent surgery generated discussions and questions on social media. But do we really know how the SUS works and the rules for getting an organ?

Rules for getting on the transplant queue

In Brazil, around 386 people are waiting a transplant decoration. The waiting list is organized according to criteria such as: blood type, weight and height compatibility, genetics and severity of the clinical condition.

There are also Transplant Centers, responsible for monitoring the list. They monitor the demand for heart transplants in each Brazilian state.

(Image: disclosure)

In the first half of 2023 alone, 206 operations of this type were carried out in the country. Issues like these take on greater proportions when they are trending in the media.

Faustão's case went viral, certainly, because he was one of the biggest presenters in Brazil, making people surprised by the speed of the waiting line.

Did Faustão have priority?

The first patient on the waiting list for a heart transplant refused the organ, and Faustão, who was second in line, was chosen.

The first step for a patient to receive such a transplant is to be registered on the single transplant list. This relationship is organized by the Ministry of Health, through the National Transplant Secretariat.

Faustão has blood type B, compatible with most donors, this increases the chances of getting a donation quickly. Generally, the time for blood group B patients to obtain the organ is 1 to 3 months.

To define the order of priorities in the transplant queue, the severity of the patient's clinical condition is considered. In the case of the presenter, surgery was extremely necessary.

Anyone who needs constant hospitalization, with the use of intravenous medications and support machines for blood circulation, has priority over the person who waits for the organ at home.

The wait does not take into account whether the patient will be operated on in a public or private hospital, as the SUS is directed to both types of institutions.

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