Complementi indirect: distance, distributive and esclusione

If the list of the indirect supplement is large, it is possible to create a listino da farti conoscenza: indirect add-on of distanza, indirect distributive add-on, indirect complement of esclusione, indirect complement of colpa o pen, indirect complement of eta, indirect complement of fine o scopo, indirect complement of limiting ecc.. Al testo, we know a po’ sui complementi indirect: di distanza, distributive and di esclusione attraverso gli esempi and ed i loro significati. / Although the list of indirect add-ons is large, it's possible to create a short list to give you a general idea: distance indirect add-on, indirect add-on distributive, indirect complement of exclusion, indirect complement of guilt or penalty, indirect complement of age, indirect complement of purpose or objective, indirect complement of limitation etc. In this text, you will learn a little about indirect complements: distance, distributive and exclusion, through examples and their meanings.

*Complemento indirect di distanza / Complemento indirect distance

Secondo gli authori Dardano & Trifone, the complement of the distance is that which “indicates the distance of a point of difference.”. Tuttavia, it is important to say that this complement indicates, davvero, how much a person or a thing is far from a certain point, and how far? and the distance? If it yields interesting anche sapere che è retto dalle preposizioni – a, tra, fra – and dalla locuzione – alla distanza di. Vedi alcuni esempi. / According to the authors Dardano & Trifone, the indirect complement of distance is the one that 'indicates the distance from a reference point'. However, it is important to clarify that this complement indicates, in fact, how far a person or thing is in relation to a given point; and answers the questions: how much? And how far? It is also interesting to know that it is governed by the prepositions: a (a), between or within (tra, fra); and by the phrase: the distance of. See some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

  1. Ero the pochi metri del cinema when it is arrivata Giulia. / I was a few meters from the cinema when Giulia arrived.
  2. Tra alcuni chilometri arrive at Genoa. / Within a few kilometers you will reach Genoa.
  3. paolo si mise all the distance from the due pass gives you. / Paolo had placed himself two steps away from you.

*Indirect distributive complement / Indirect distributive complement

L’auttrice Florica Duţă, al libro ‘Contemporary Italian Language – Syntassi’ comment che questo complement "indicates the proportion or the distribution of any or all, specifying the quantity impegnata back per return.". Allora, si può dire che egli risponde alle domande – ogni how much, in quale proportion? in which distribution? – ed è retto dalle preposizioni – su, a, per. If you need to note that if there is a chance of presence in the preposition. Vedi gli esempi. / The author Florica Duţă, in the book ‘Lingua italiano contemporanea – Sintossi’, comments that this complement ‘indicates the proportion or distribution of someone or something, specifying the amount involved in each case’. So, it can be said that he answers the questions: how many times? In what proportion? In which distribution? And it is governed by the prepositions: about (su), a (a), per (by). It should be noted that this complement is often found without the presence of a preposition. See the examples.

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Esempi: / Examples:

  1. in-line correctper tre. / Run in a row of three.
  2. coast dieci euro al meter. / The metro costs ten euros.
  3. coast dieci euro1 meter. / The metro costs ten euros.
  4. Interest is increased by the ventilation per cent. / The interest rate increased by twenty percent.
  5. L'autobus itself fermava ogni venti metri. / The bus stopped every twenty meters.

*Complemento indirect di esclusione / Complemento indirect exclusion

Secondo il Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano, if you can define it as “accepttuative complement”. Tuttavia, gli authori Dardano & Trifone chiariscono il its meaning stating che egli “indicates ciò che rhyme escluso.”, alla ‘Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica’. In turn, Duţă comments that this “indicates ciò che rimane escluso da ciò di cui si parla nel contesto.”. Così, it is important to direct che il complement risponde alle domande – senza chi? senza che things? eccetto chi? – ed è retto dalle preposizioni – senza, eccetto, meno, save ecc. – and dalle locuzioni – ad eccezioni di, all’infuori di ecc.. Vedi gli esempi. / According to the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano, it can be defined as an ’exception complement’. However, the authors Dardano & Trifone clarify its meaning by noting that it 'indicates what remains excluded', in 'Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica'. In turn, Duţă comments that he "indicates what remains excluded from what the context argues". Thus, it is important to say that the exclusion complement answers the questions: without whom? Without what? Except who? And it is governed by the prepositions: without (senza), minus (meno), except (eccetto), salvo (salvated), etc.; and by the phrases: the exception of, with the exception of etc. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

  1. Anche Giulia is venuta, lessPaolo. / Even Giulia came, except Paolo.
  2. Siamo tutti arrivati, savedCarlo and Mario. / We've all arrived, save Carlo and Mario.
  3. Eccetto Giuseppe, tutti erano da Fabrizia. / Everyone was at Fabrizia's house, except Giuseppe.
  4. sleep uscita senzacellulare / I left without a cell phone.

Hot! / Tips!

It is possible to access altri testi sull’argomento complement indiretto. See! “Indiretti complement: motorbike da luogo and motorbike per luogo”, “Indirect complement: di causa, di compagnia and di unione”, “Indirect complement: di luogo”, “Indirect complement: di mezzo and di Modo”, “Indirect complement: di tempo”, “I complemented frasali”, “I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”, “Puntate da riconoscere i complementi di luogo”. / It is possible to access other texts on the subject indirect complement on the site. Look! “Complement indirect: moto da luogo and moto per luogo”, “Indiretto complement: di causa, di compagnia e di unione”, “Indiretto complement: di luogo”, “Indiretto complement: di mezzo e di moda”, “Complemento indiretto: di tempo”, “I complementi frasali”, “I complementi indiretti: di specificazione e di termine”, “Puntate da riconoscere i complementi di luogo".

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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