Eagles: characteristics, species, food

Eagles They are animals much admired for their beauty and also for their imposing characteristics. They are considered birds of prey, since they are birds that feed on other animals and have adaptations that favor hunting.

They are birds large-sized and they stand out for having keen vision, a curved and strong beak and sharp claws. They can feed on different animals depending on the species studied, with fish, amphibians and small mammal animals that can be part of the eagles' diet.

There are more than 70 species of eagles, one of the best-known species being the so-called American eagle. Nine species occur in Brazil: solitary eagle, mountain eagle, harpy eagle, uiraçu, gray eagle, osprey, feathered hawk, monkey hawk and duck hawk.

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Summary about eagles

  • The eagles are animals which have keen vision, a curved and strong beak and sharp claws.

  • Their characteristics make them an efficient and agile predator.

  • Eagles are animals belonging to the Accipitridae family, which also includes other birds of prey, such as hawks.

  • Solitary eagle, mountain eagle, harpy eagle, uiraçu, gray eagle, osprey, plume hawk, monkey hawk and duck hawk are eagles that occur in Brazil.

  • The most popular species of eagle is undoubtedly the bald eagle, which can be seen in North America.

Characteristics of eagles

Eagles have adaptations that make them efficient predators, such as sharp claws and a curved beak.

Eagles are birds of prey that are large and can be found in different parts of the planet, including Brazil. We call birds of prey those birds that are characterized by being carnivorous and have characteristics that allow them to effectively capture their prey. It is worth noting that the word prey means “to kidnap”, a suitable term to refer to the way these animals capture their prey.

Some important features that can be highlighted in birds of prey and consequently in eagles they are:

  • Eyes facing forward, providing binocular vision (ability to convert the signals sent by each eye into a single image).

  • Very developed and clear vision, what makes these animals are able to see better than human beings. According to information from the Aves de Prey Brasil website, developed by ornithologist Willian Menq, the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), for example, is capable of spotting a hare from more than 3 km away.

  • Strong, curved beak that allows the animal to be able to kill and cut the flesh of its prey.

  • Strong and sharp claws that help the animal in capturing and also killing its prey.

Eagle feeding

Eagles, as previously highlighted, are carnivorous animals that therefore feed on other animals. The diet is varied and depends on the species that we are studying.

Among the animals that can be part of the eagles' diet are other birds, possums, squirrels, marmosets, rats, lizards, snakes and armadillos. It is worth noting that relatively large animals can also be part of the eagles' diet, such as the case of sloths and howler monkeys, which serve as food for the harpy.

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Eagle species

Eagles are animals belonging to the Accipitridae family, the term being used to refer to more than 70 different species that occur in various parts of the planet. It is important to highlight that this family also includes other birds of prey, such as hawks. Let's get to know some species of eagles below.

  • American Eagle

The American eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is, without a doubt, the best-known species of eagle in the world. The species is found throughout North America, generally in regions close to large bodies of water. When adults, they stand out for presenting yellow beak, white head and tail and dark brown body. Their body measures around 79 to 94 cm, and they have a wingspan of 178 to 229 cm.

Its about monogamous birds, remaining with the same partner throughout their lives. These birds make large nests, which they can reuse for several years. Each year, the eagle expands its nest, using grass, twigs and twigs. The largest nest of the species found weighed 2 tons and was used for 30 years. The species lays one to three eggs each season.

  • Brazilian eagles

In Brazil, according to the Birds of Prey Brasil website, there are nine species of eagles. They are: solitary eagle, mountain eagle, harpy eagle, uiraçu, gray eagle, osprey, plume hawk, monkey hawk and duck hawk. Let's get to know three of these species below.


Photo focuses on a harpy's face, in gray color.
The harpy is the largest eagle in the world.

The harpy (harpyja harpy), also known as the harpy eagle, occurs throughout Central America to South America. These animals prefer to live in intact forests, but they can hunt in open areas.

They stand out for being the largest species of wateriThe of the planet, with a length that varies from 89 to 102 cm and a wingspan of 2 meters. Its sharp claws can reach more than 12 cm in length. Females tend to be larger than males, weighing between 7 and 9 kg, while males weigh between 5 and 8 kg.

These birds form pairs that remain together for life and build large nests in tall trees. The female lays two eggs, but only one chick will be created. The puppies become independent at around ten months. Harpies live 25 to 35 years.

Plumed Hawk

The feathered hawk (Spizaetus ornatus), despite its popular name, é a eagle. It is considered a discreet animal that can be found inside forests. This bird is approximately 67 cm long and has a wingspan of 140 cm. The animal receives this name due to the feathers on your head.

Plumed Hawk

The hawk-eagle makes its nest in the treetops and lays just one egg in it. During the incubation period, which varies between 48 and 51 days, the male of the species is responsible for feeding.

→ Osprey

The osprey is capable of catching fish in the water.

The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a bird with worldwide distribution, being a species able to live anywhere water is availables shallow with fish and safe places to build your nest. They are between 55 and 58 cm long and have a wingspan that can vary between 145 and 170 cm. Small variations can be observed in the size and color of the feather depending on where the species grows.

This eagle stands out for being an osprey, feeding on fish. To guarantee its nutrition, it has a series of adaptations that guarantee the fishing and capture of these slippery animals. Among these characteristics we can mention sharp and long claws, oily plumage and nasal valves that prevent water from entering the nostrils when the animal dives.

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