Commented Portuguese grammar exercises (High School)

Select the alternative in which all the information presented for the highlighted word is correct.

a) blood: 6 letters, 4 phonemes, a digraph

b) client: 7 letters, 6 phonemes, two consonant clusters

c) hero: 5 letters, 4 phonemes, rising diphthong

d) jelly: 6 letters, 6 phonemes, trithong

Answer key explained

The word blood has 6 letters and 4 phonemes (/s/ ã/ /gu/ /e/). "Gu" is a digraph, because it is the meeting of two letters that represent a single phoneme, that is, a single sound.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) client: 7 letters, 6 phonemes (/c/ /l/ /i/ /ẽ/ /t/ /e/). "Cl" is a consonant cluster, which is why both letters are pronounced.

c) hero: 5 letters, 4 phonemes (/e/ /r/ /o/ /i/). In the word hero, whose syllable separation is hero-rói, there is a decreasing diphthong, because in the last syllable, the vowel comes before the semivowel (ói).

d) jelly: 6 letters, 6 phonemes (/g/ /e/ /l/ /e/ /i/ /a/). In the word jelly, whose syllable separation is ge-lei-a, there is a decreasing diphthong, because in the last syllable, the vowel comes before the semivowel (ei).

Indicate the alternative that contains the affirmative form of “Don’t run!”, “Don’t scream!”, “Don’t leave!”.

a) “Run!”, “Shout!”, “Leave!”

b) “Run!”, “Shout!”, “Leave!”

c) “Run!”, “Scream!”, “Leave!”

d) “Run!”, “Scream!”, “Leave!”

Answer key explained

Affirmative imperative of the verb run: run (you), run (you), run (we), run (you), run (you).

Affirmative imperative of the verb shout: shout (you), shout (you), shout (we), shout (you), shout (you).

Affirmative imperative of the verb to leave: part (you), leave (you), leave (we), leave (you), leave (you).

a) very faithful, very easy, very poor

b) very faithful, very poor, very poor

c) very faithful, very easy, very poor

d) most faithful, very easy, very poor

Answer key explained

The very poor and very poor forms exist, but very poor is the erudite form. Therefore, the word “poor” is only used in informal speeches.

In “I said I wanted a salty when we saw it very early.”, each of the highlighted words are, respectively:

a) noun, conjunction, pronoun

b) adjective, adverb, noun

c) adjective, adverb, article

d) noun, preposition, pronoun

Answer key explained

The word "salty" is a noun, because it is naming something. The same word could be an adjective if you were classifying something, for example: The rice is salty.

The word "when" is a conjunction, because it is linking the sentences "I wanted something savory" and "we saw her very early".

The word "a" is a personal pronoun in the oblique case, which has the function of object ("We saw the lady very early.", "We saw her very early.")

(PUC-SP) In the section "The trains in cane whistled from time to time, but no gave maturity à hunger das moendas", the highlighted words correspond, morphologically, in order, to:

a) preposition, adverb, verb, noun.

b) conjunction, adverb, noun, adjective.

c) preposition, adverb, adjective, adjective.

d) preposition, adverb, verb, adverb.

e) preposition, adverb, noun, noun.

Answer key explained

In "cane trains", the word "de" is a preposition, because it is linking one term to another.

The word "no" is an adverb, because it is modifying the verb give. It is an adverb of negation.

The words "due" and "hunger" are nouns, because they are giving names to things.

a) verb-nominal, verbal, verb-nominal

b) nominal, verbal, verb-nominal

c) all predicates are nominal

d) all predicates are verbal

Indicate the correct alternative regarding verbal regency.

a) noun subordinate clause, adjectival subordinate clause, adverbial subordinate clause

b) noun subordinate clause, adjective subordinate clause, adjectival subordinate clause

c) adverbial subordinate clause, adjectival subordinate clause, noun subordinate clause

d) noun subordinate clause, adjective subordinate clause, noun subordinate clause

Answer key explained

The sentence "because it's worse for you" is coordinated, because it is independent, that is, it has no syntactic relationship with the first sentence. It is syndetic, because it is connected by the conjunction "because", which is explaining the reason why one should not lie.

(BHTrans-MG/Fumarc) "On television, journalism transmits events as if they were a show."

Answer key explained

adverbial adjunct: "on television", because it indicates the space.

adnominal adjunct: "the", "the", "one", because it is characterizing the nouns that accompany it.

subject predicative: "show", because it is attributing a characteristic to the subject (journalism) through the linking verb (fossem).

FERNANDES, Márcia. Commented Portuguese grammar exercises (High School).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

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