Subway is about to be sold for $9.6 billion; know why and by whom

One of the giants of the fast-food sector is on the verge of a historic negotiation, with Roark Capital Group, formalizing a commercial agreement of stratospheric values.

This renowned US private equity firm intends to acquire the Metro for a staggering $9.6 billion (about BRL 46.7 billion).

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Sources close to the matter revealed to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that the agreement is in stages advanced levels and can be completed at any time, marking the end of a series of intense negotiations.

Other interested buyers

Despite advances in conversations with Roark Capital Group, market observers point to the possibility of other companies interested in trading.

Institutions such as TDR Capital and Sycamore, also private equity institutions, may still present competing offers with higher values ​​for the acquisition of the Subway network.

The scenario remains dynamic and, therefore, the final conclusion of the transaction still has some degree of uncertainty, despite the fact that the situation is very favorable to Roark Capital Group.

Signs of a possible sale of Subway emerged earlier this year, in February, when the restaurant brand announced that it was exploring this alternative as a business strategy.

The financial services company JPMorgan has acted as an advisor, leading the evaluation process and facilitating the negotiations, according to information disclosed by the company itself.

(Image: publicity)

With its solid position in the market, Subway occupies the eighth position in the ranking of the largest restaurant chains from United States.

In addition, the company has a well-consolidated global presence, with more than 37,000 stores spread across more than 100 countries.

One of the main characteristics of the brand is its family origin, being owned by two founding families for more than five decades, which makes the sale decision more interesting.

The expectation is that the buying company does not end up with the brand or make drastic changes, since which is an identity known and loved around the world, in addition to being highly profitable for its owners.

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