Achieve Mental and Emotional Balance in 30 Days with the 'Stoic Challenge'; understand

In today's reality, surrounded by stress and high demands,philosophy stoic stands as a discerning guide, aiming the direction towards a more harmonious existence and a more serene state of mind.

Embracing the invitation to this 30-day challenge, inspired by the fundamentals of this philosophy, is the same to promote inner tranquility and strengthen resilience in the face of the adversities of the daily.

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This would be a period of rest, with personal challenges to be met, so that your mind can rest. How about embarking on this adventure?

Looking for tranquility? So for the next 30 days focus on this stoic challenge

Mastering the Art of Accepting the Uncontrollable: The First 5 Days

Stoic teachings resonate with the idea of ​​embracing what escapes our grasp, directing our attention only to what we can shape.

Instead of being overwhelmed by traffic, weather conditions, or other people's opinions, notice how you react to these events.

  • Suggested practice: keep a record of the moments when you felt frustrated in the face of something uncontrollable and write down your reaction to them;
  • Moment of reflection: what situations are beyond your reach?

Awakening to the power of the present: from the 6th to the 10th day

Finding a home in the present is one of the secrets to a peaceful mind. Anxiety often springs from apprehensions of the future or sorrows of the past. The Stoic orientation is to embrace the now.

  • Suggested practice: refrain from checking your cell phone for an hour before going to bed;
  • Reflexion moment: Take 5 minutes a day to focus on your breath and the present.

Detaching: from the 11th to the 15th day

Stoic philosophy exalts simplicity and argues that the accumulation of goods can overshadow our focus. By reducing excess, we are able to find satisfaction in what really matters.

  • Suggested practice: each day, select an item you no longer use and make a donation;

  • Reflexion moment: how do you feel to be freed from something material?

(Image: publicity)

Listen more, talk less: from the 16th to the 20th day

In a scenario flooded with voices and perspectives, Stoicism urges us to defend the art of listening. Through this act, we obtain several lessons and nurture empathy.

  • Suggested practice: during each interaction, make an effort to listen more than talk;

  • Reflexion moment: what knowledge did you acquire by giving space to other people?

Have courage: from the 21st to the 25th day

Facing challenges is inevitable, however, our response to them shapes our character. The Stoics saw adversity as stepping stones to personal growth.

  • Suggested practice: recall a recent challenge and consider and try to draw a lesson from it;

  • Reflexion moment: when you encounter an obstacle, ask yourself, "What is the lesson I can learn from this?"

Real World: from the 26th to the 30th day

In the last five days of this journey, take time to reflect on what you have absorbed and how you can incorporate these practices into your daily routine.

By the time you reach the end of this 30-day challenge, our hope is that you've acquired tools to nurture a more serene mind.

We remind you that the journey is constant and Stoic teachings can be partners at each stage. Keep pursuing wisdom and living in harmony with your values ​​and Principles.

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