Eris variant: what it is, symptoms, dangers, prevention

A Eris variant is the nickname given to EG.5, a new variant of Sars-CoV-2 monitored by the World Health Organization. she belongs to the Omicron bloodline and has mutations in the amino acid of the protein spike that differentiate it from other strains. These mutations have contributed significantly to its high transmissibility and ability to evade the immune system.

Currently, this variant has prevailed in the United States and Japan, leading health authorities to emphasize the importance of keep vaccines up to date, wear masks indoors and in crowds, in addition to carrying out tests when manifesting symptoms flu. In the Brazilian scenario, so far, only one case of this new variant has been registered.

Read too: 5 myths about vaccines

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary about the Eris Variant
  • 2 - What is the Eris variant of covid-19?
  • 3 - Symptoms of the Eris Variant
  • 4 - Is the Eris Variant dangerous?
  • 5 - Effectiveness of the vaccine against the Eris variant
  • 6 - Eris variant and the use of masks
  • 7 - How to protect yourself from the Eris Variant?
  • 8 - Cases of the Eris Variant in the world
  • 9 - Cases of the Eris variant in Brazil

Summary about the Eris Variant

  • EG.5 is the scientific name for Variant Eris, a new strain of Sars-CoV-2.
  • Belonging to the Ômicron lineage, EG.5 presents mutations in the protein spike that distinguish it from other strains.
  • Its mutations contribute to a high transmission capacity of the virus.
  • The mutations also make it possible for EG.5 to more easily escape the immune system's defenses.
  • Health authorities recommend keeping up-to-date vaccinations, wearing masks indoors, and agglomerations, and testing in cases of flu-like symptoms to protect against the new variant.

What is Covid-19 Eris Variant?

The Eris Variant is a name given to the most recently identified variant of Sars-CoV-2, with its scientific nomenclature being EG.5. This new strain derives from the XXB branch, which encompasses the most rapidly spreading variants of Sars-CoV-2, belonging to the Omicron lineage.

One of the differences between the Eris Variant and the Omicron is the presence of an additional mutation in the amino acids of the protein spike. This protein plays a crucial role in allowing the virus attaches itself to the ACE2 protein receptors present in human cells, thus enabling its entry into the nasal passages and lungs.

Representation of the mutations present in the Eris variant and how it binds to the human cell.
EG.5 presents new mutations in the protein spike.

A first detection of the Eris Variant occurred on February 17, 2023, in Indonesia. Since July 19, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) started to classify it as a variant under monitoring.

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Symptoms of the Eris Variant

Variant Eris exhibits symptoms similar to other COVID-19 variants, including:

  • fever;
  • sore throat;
  • tiredness;
  • headache;
  • loss of smell and taste;
  • cough.

It is important to highlight that these symptoms may vary in intensity from person to person. Therefore, it is necessary to remain alert to any sign of these symptoms and seek medical advice, especially if exposure to the virus is suspected.

Read too: What are the differences between covid-19, flu and cold?

Is the Eris Variant dangerous?

Although it is more transmissible and has a greater ability to evade immunity, the WHO warns that Eris does not seem to cause more serious conditions for the time being. However, due to its characteristics, it can increase the incidence of cases of illness and become the dominant strain, which makes it an important variant to monitor.

Vaccine effectiveness against Eris variant

The mutations present in the protein spike of EG.5 favor evasion of the immune system, even in cases of previous infection or vaccination. Even so, global health authorities emphasize the importance and guide the search for vaccines, since these continue to offer protection against severe cases and deaths.

Eris variant and the use of masks

The use of masks is recommended to avoid contagion by the new variant, especially among risk groups (people aged 60 or over). more, health professionals, pregnant women, immunosuppressed and indigenous population), as well as in closed environments and situations of crowd.

How to protect yourself from the Eris Variant?

Nurse cleaning patient's arm for vaccine application, both wearing masks.
Vaccination and the use of masks are preventive measures to avoid contagion and serious cases of Variant Eris.

To protect yourself from the Eris Variant, it is recommended:

    • Keep the vaccination schedule against covid-19 up to date.
    • Wear masks, especially in closed environments, in crowded situations and in the presence of flu-like symptoms.
    • Conduct tests on individuals who have flu-like symptoms.

Cases of the Eris Variant in the world

Currently, EG.5 is present in 51 countries, predominant in USA and Japan. Until August 2023, 7,354 genetic sequences were sent, mainly from China (30.6%), USA (18.4%) and South Korea (14.1%). The prevalence of EG.5 increased from 7.6% to 17% between June and July. In the US, it represents 17.3% of cases; in the United Kingdom, 25.7% of the samples.

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, with high temperatures that contributed to people crowding together indoors with air conditioning, may have facilitated the rapid spread of the new variant.

Cases of Variant Eris in Brazil

Until August 21, 2023, a case of the variant was registered in the state of São Paulo, in a 71-year-old female patient, who recovered satisfactorily. The Brazilian Society of Infectology (SBI) informs that, currently, the situation in Brazil is stable and there is no reason for alarm. However, SBI highlights the importance of maintaining a complete vaccination schedule as a preventive measure.


MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Ministry of Health confirms case of the EG.5 variant in Brazil and reinforces vaccination as the main protection measure. In: Available in:

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BRAZIL WRITING. What is known about Eris, a new variant of Covid-19? In: NatGeo Brazil. Available in:

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. EG.5 Initial Risk Evaluation, 9 August 2023. In: Available in: sfvrsn=2aa2daee_1. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2023.

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants. In: Available in: Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2023.

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