Some teachers are becoming MILLIONAIRES, but it's not in the classrooms; understand

The popularization of the internet was a turning point worldwide and created trends that, until then, would have been unimaginable. As an example of this, people from Generation X would never think of changing a stable job for making videos on YouTube. But who came later, yes. Including teachers with promising careers.

According to a survey by Valor Investe, doctors, masters and graduates from major universities in the country are switching from classrooms to the internet. And the financial return has been much better!

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Hi girls. All is well?

This is the case of Carina Fragozo, the creator of English in Brazil. In an interview with Valor, she said that she started the channel when she was starting her doctorate at the University of São Paulo (USP) and at the time she was ashamed. “Even though I knew I was doing something cool and quality and reaching out and helping people,” she said.

The situation, of course, changed when Carina's YouTube channel numbers started to grow a lot - as well as her bank account income. When she finished her doctorate, she took a chance on a career on the internet and saw that she could earn a lot of money.

“I have had a commercial partner for a long time. And once a month I record video for them. Only with this video I gain what I would have if I taught in a college”, she commented.

Making video is serious business!

That's what the physiotherapist and biomedical Natalia Reinecke had to explain to her college colleagues. She was often asked when she was going to stop making videos to do "something important".

“In the beginning, there were people turning up their noses. A certain discredit. But later, when it started to work, the perception of things started to change”, recalled Natalia to Valor Investe. She, by the way, took people from her academic environment to create content with her on the Anatomia and Etc channels.

Now, together, they make videos for over a million subscribers. Who knew, huh?

Where does the money come from?

Those who work with YouTube can earn a lot money through AdSense, a Google tool that monetizes your content according to the views and retention of your channel. That is, the more people watch your videos (and the more they become addicted to the content), the more you earn.

In addition, many influencers make good money with sponsored content and paid partnerships, the famous “publis”. In some cases, it can even make more money than the streaming platform.

Another means is to sell digital or physical products through the channel. There are content creators who sell t-shirts, hats and other freebies, and there are those who sell courses or consultancies.

Low investment for scholars and researchers

To the undergraduate and graduate scholarships were readjusted for the first time in 10 years. However, it is still a low value for people to dedicate themselves exclusively to research.

The master's scholarship rose from R$1,500 to R$2,100; the doctorate rose from R$2,200 to R$3,100; and the postdoctoral fee jumped from R$4,100 to R$5,200.

For those who are scholarship holders of scientific initiation, there is a scholarship of R$ 700 (before, R$ 400).

contests for teachers

Natalia points out that, for professors who still want to continue teaching – or simply don't see themselves as youtubers – there are always competitions at universities. She points out that public institutions are the ones that provide the most profitability and stability.

But for that, you need to put in a lot of effort and get an excellent curriculum lattes. Furthermore, according to her, vacancies are scarce. “Not everyone can do it,” Reinecke lamented.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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