From fur to hair: pet shop owner uses canine products and goes viral on the web

A new trend is gaining prominence as videos go viral on social media showing people, including a pet shop owner, using canine grooming products to wash their hair.

Ana Camila, owner of the renowned Top Pet establishment, shared her experience relighting her hair.

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Surprisingly, the expensive products recommended by her stylist resulted in an unwanted effect, leaving her locks noticeably dry.

While this approach may seem creative and fun, many experts question whether the trend is really effective and safe. for human use.

After all, animal care products were developed with specific formulas for the fur and skin of animals, raising doubts about their tendency and side effects when applied to animals.human hair.

Pet shop owner decides to revolutionize using canine product

In a moment of reflection, the owner considered the possibility of trying out the products used on her clients, internally questioning whether this could work for her too.

Observing her own hair, the thought arose: would it be possiblethat these productsdid it work?

When applying the hydration mask, Ana noticed how her hair responded in a surprising way, describing the feeling as if her locks had “passed out”.

After its release on TikTok, the video soon gained a wide audience, surpassing the 2.8 million views mark.

The comments section reflects a variety of opinions: some people felt connected with the decision making by the owner of the establishment, sharing their approach, while others found the event somewhat unusual, highlighting the unusual nature of the situation.

not everything is a joke

Specialist in aesthetic dermatology and medical trichology Joana D’Arc Diniz highlights the concerns associated with this practice.

According to the professional's evaluation, the starting point to be considered is the understanding that both the shampoo and the conditioner are formulated to suit the specific pH and acidity of each individual's hair and scalp.

The specialist also points out that, in cases of patients with problems on the scalp, excess oiliness or scales, the choice of substances in the products and the respect for the pH are crucial.

In short, the concern revolves around the composition and pH of the products, which may not be appropriate for all hair conditions.

So no washing your hair with your pets products huh?

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