THESE are the 7 fruits with the highest sugar content, according to nutritionist

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Currently, the market is full of different types of food and industrialized products that have a high sugar content.

But, did you know that there are also fruits that can contain high amounts of the natural sugar called fructose?

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According to an interview with nutritionist Marcela Novais, “The fructose tends to be digested more slowly by the body. This is due to the presence of fiber, vitamins and minerals in fruits, which help to regulate the absorption of sugar. Sucrose and other types of added sugars are quickly absorbed by the body and can cause constant elevations in blood glucose.

In this way, the professional graduated from the University of Brasília (UnB) reveals to the readers a list containing the seven main fruits with a high sugar content.

However, she reinforces that food should not be demonized, but consumed consciously. Understand better below!

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See the list of the seven fruits with the highest amount of sugar

The list is made up of seven fruits with a high sugar content, which are commonly present in Brazilian homes in general. See the list below:

  • Mango (8.5 g every 100g);
  • Grapes (8.1 g every 100g);
  • Apple (7.5 g per 100g);
  • Persimmon (6.4 g every 100g);
  • Plum (3.8 g per 100g);
  • Orange (4.4 g every 100g);
  • Lychees (7.8 g per 100g).

These sugar-rich foods should be consumed within a balanced diet, accompanied by other foods.

This care will allow the absorption of fructose to be carried out efficiently, allowing the individual to absorb the widest possible variety of nutrients and vitamins.

“Consumption should be part of the daily diet, always in balance. Currently, we can think of a recommendation of three to five servings of fruit a day, always varying the type to cover the greatest possible amount of nutrients”, recommends the professional.

How to maintain a balanced diet even when eating fruits with a high sugar content

The nutritionist reveals that it is necessary to stimulate the consumption of fruits in a moderate way. In this way, diets and food plans must be put together, combining fruits with other foods to carry out the slimming process efficiently.

However, she reinforces to readers that, when carrying out the planning, it is also possible to use foods with less fructose present, instead of fruits with high sugar content. Some of the suggested alternatives are papaya, watermelon, melon, strawberries and red fruits.

In addition, the nutritionist reinforces that, for people with diabetes, it is necessary to carry out a detailed plan on the consumption of fruits, but it is not necessary to completely exclude them from the diet.

“Adding fibers, seeds or bran to fruits and associating them with good sources of fats and proteins helps to reduce the glycemic impact for these patients”, says Marcela Novais.
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