What to expect from the New Moon in Leo on Wednesday, August 16th?

On Wednesday, August 16th, we entered the New Moon. But it won't be just any lunation; the natural satellite is positioned in León. It will be a time to explore our own brilliance, using our honor and courage.

In addition, it will also be time to look more closely within yourself, with the intention of resolving issues of self-esteem and self-awareness. This is thanks to a movement of Venus retrograde that amends with such lunar positioning.

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Are you prepared for this moment?

How is the sky?

Buckle up, my friends. We are going through a period of very intense astrological positions.

A New Moon in August Leo it happens in a moment of square with Uranus in Taurus in the 9th house. We will also have Mars and Mercury in Virgo in the 1st House, which will be in opposition to Neptune in the 7th House.

This means that we may have some surprises related to our legislation, as the country's leaders will be in an uproar.

(Image: publicity)

In our practical life, some bureaucracies may arise. We may also have problems communicating: confused conversations, lack of interpretation and disagreements between interlocutors.

A very important aspect of these sky placements is that we may find ourselves in difficult and surprising situations with regard to finances.

Finally, we will manage to feel a little low energy until the 27th of August. Take care!

Tips for Surviving the New Moon in Leo

You will need to rediscover what gives you pleasure in life. To do this, give your inner child a voice and don't be afraid to be spontaneous.

Live the joys that you have deep in your heart and allow yourself to step out of line from time to time. Remember that life is not about following rules.

Remember your childhood dreams: what you wanted to be when you grew up, what your plans were as a teenager, what kind of music you listened to and miss.

In addition, he uses this period to come back to himself and carry out a self-analysis of his well-being. Realize if you're happy, if you're sleeping well, if you're taking care of your body and mind.

Take your therapy more seriously (and if you haven't already, maybe this is a good time to start) and seek more contact with your spirituality.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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