3 PECULIAR habits that smart people tend to have; find out what they are

People are unique and have different ways of expressing their intelligence. However, some may stand out for their ability to solve complex problems, while others may shine in their ability to communicate clearly and persuasively.

The truth is, there are some quirks that many smart people share. And who points it out are important studies about behaviors. So let's explore three of them: nail biting, listening to music and talking to yourself. Check it out below!

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1. nail biting

Although it may seem strange, many intelligent people have a tendency to bite their nails. This can be attributed to their inquisitive and curious nature.

No wonder a 2015 study suggests that individuals with this mania may be more likely to be perfectionists.

Smart people are constantly thinking and looking for solutions to complex problems. Nail biting can be a way to relieve stress or anxiety that arise during this intense thinking process.

That is, the relentless pursuit of perfection can generate constant tension, leading to the need to find a way to release this pressure.

2. Listen to music

An important study carried out in 2019 by Reference Researchers at Oxford Brookes University pointed out that smarter people prefer to listen to music without lyrics.

Music has the power to stimulate the mind and creativity. Smart people understand this, and therefore often get into the habit of regularly listening to music. Music can help improve focus and concentration, as well as stimulate creativity.

When smart people find themselves in situations that require deep thought or creative, they may turn to music to help stimulate their brain and achieve a state of mind stream.

Additionally, music can serve as a source of inspiration, helping to spark new ideas and perspectives.

3. Talking to himself

Research conducted by the Universities of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania has shown that people who talk to themselves have broad cognitive abilities, such as good memory and more advanced perceptions.

Not to mention that the analysis also identified that the students who took part in the experiment were more successful when they spoke the names of the objects aloud. This is also a practice that can help organize your thoughts and improve your memory.

By speaking aloud, intelligent people can analyze and reflect on complex information, helping to consolidate knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of issues.

Furthermore, talking to oneself can be a form of self-expression, allowing intelligent people to articulate their ideas and thoughts more clearly and coherently.

specific quirks

While these quirks may seem eccentric to some people, they are just a part of what makes smart people unique.

Nail biting, listening to music and talking to yourself are just a few of the many ways that people smart people express their intelligence and find ways to connect with the world around them. around.

So the next time you find yourself biting your nails, listening to music or having a conversation with yourself, remember that these are just some of the quirks that can indicate your intelligence.

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