Coordinating conjunctions (Spanish): what are they?

To the coordinating conjunctionss (coordinate conjunctions in Spanish) have the function of uniting sentences and words of almost all grammatical classes, indicating addition, alternation or opposition of ideas. They are subdivided into:

  • copulative (simple It is compuestas),

  • disjunctive (simple It is compuestas) It is

  • adverse.

In this article, you will learn about the classification of conjunctions and you will see practical examples in which they will be used.

Read too: Timestamps — Spanish words used to indicate time

frame with the coordinating conjunctions

coordinating conjunctions








It is



ni… ni

as much… as

so much... how much

so... as

neither nor

as well as

as well as

as well as

disjunctive and distributive





the… the

well... well

ya… ya

well well

sea… sea

or or

or or

well well

well well

be... be




no... bell that

on the ground… bell también


otherwise/but yes

not only/only... only

not only... but also

Video lesson about coordinating conjunctions

Classification of coordinating conjunctions

Coordinate conjunctions are subdivided into:

  • Copulatives: are those that indicate addition or addition. They are subdivided into:

The) Simple: y, It is, ni.

Felipe called me and said he didn't come.

Felipe called me and said he's not coming.

OJO! Before words beginning with i or hi, the conjunction y turns into It is. Before the diphthong hie, the conjunction y remains.

Mother It ishialready.
Mother It is daughter.

Water y hieit.
Water and ice.

B) composites:ni… ni; both… and; so much… how much; so... as (this last one is rarely used):

Both Soledad and Carmen received good notes.

Both Soledad and Carmen got good grades.

  • Disjunctive and Distributive:indicate alternation and/or choice.

The) Simple: only the conjunctions disjunctive o/u.

Cómprate el pantalón o las bermudas.
Buy pants or shorts.

OJO! the conjunction O turns into u in front of words starting with O or ho:

One or the other.
One or another.

Morning or today.
Tomorrow or today.

B) Compuestas: sea… sea; ya… ya; well well; bien… bien; the… the.

Now it's raining, now it's sunny.
Sometimes it's raining, sometimes it's sunny.

Bien almuerzas, bien te come el postre.
Either you have lunch or you have dessert.

  • Adversative: are used when we want to indicate opposition of ideas.

The) but: synonym of masin Portuguese language, form that also in archaic Spanish.

I didn't want to sleep, but I had to get up early.

I didn't want to sleep, but I had to get up early.

B) Bell: this conjunction is translated as but or if not in Portuguese, but it is only used after a negative clause.

I wasn't disgusted, I was bored.

He wasn't upset, but rather bored.

w) bell that: only, just

He didn't do the job but he copied it from a partner.

Didn't do the assignment, just copied it from a colleague.

d) on the ground… bell también: used to indicate addition of elements to the phrase.

On the ground she had doubts, but also her companions.

Not only did she have doubts, but so did her colleagues.

It is) nevertheless, however: are translated as however, however, however.

Voting is important; however, it is necessary to vote for conscience.

Voting is important; however, it is necessary to vote with conscience.

Read too:The adverbs — the word class that modifies the meaning of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives

Solved exercises on coordinating conjunctions

question 01

(Unievangelical 2018)

The eternal material that we return disposable

Before, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, celluloid and bakelite ‒ the first plastics ‒, replaced marfil, carey, the wood and the glass in the production of artifacts: toys, clips, film rolls, billiard balls, radios, telephones and but of. But it was with the Second World War that the plastic was shot. But today, more than 70 years after the end of the war, that symbol has changed. The premonition of 1946 was fulfilled: nothing could stop it. We are so surrounded by plastic that living a life without it seems impossible. It is present in everyday objects such as containers and packaging, and hidden in other non-obvious items such as electronics and exfoliating creams. Its omnipresence, added to its disposable character, has converted it into the symbol of the environmental crisis we face. However, the problem is not the plastic itself. The material has formidable characteristics and we will certainly need it for our future development. The problem is our folly: we create material for eternity, but we make it desirable par excellence. We use a plastic bottle for just 5 minutes and then we take it out so that it lives in the full or in the ocean for 500 years. And that's the same thing that happens with the pitillos, purses, cupboards, tooth brushes and containers and packaging bags that we use ephemerally on a daily basis. Some will say that recycling is the solution. Y lo es, but in a complementary way. In a circular economy, recycling is a complementary action.

Available in:. Accessed on: 01 Feb. 2018. (Adapted)

In the fragment “Pero fue con la Segunda Guerra Mundial que el plastic se disparó”, the conjunction “pero” can be replaced without loss of meaning by

a) ya what.

b) mints.

c) only.

d) without embargo.


the conjunction but is an adversative conjunction, being synonymous with however.Therefore, the correct answer is letter D.

question 2

(Enem 2016/PPL)

Cartoon in Spanish of Enem PPL 2016 question.

The cartoon presents an interpretation of the effects of the Spanish economic crisis and questions the:

a) political decision to save the European single currency.

b) freezing of employees' salaries.

c) apathy of the population towards politics.

d) citizens' trust in the banking system.

e) government plan to save financial institutions.


Through the phrase “¿Pero tiene esto isto?”, the cartoon questions the way in which Spain deals with the effects of the crisis, that is, by reducing wages, pensions and allowances for the population. Therefore, the correct alternative is letter E.

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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